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P is for personal-best moms

Mother of: 1 kitty
After my last run: my daughter said, “You’re back early!”  She is only in kindergarten, but she’s already faster than me!


Mother of: 2 boys
Running is: my Prozac. If I do nothing else all day, at least I can say I went running.
* I am as big a dork as the picture would imply!


Mother of: 2 boys
Running: keeps my head cleared out and my spirit feeling very intact.
*No relation to Phoebe, above, also mom of 2 boys.


Mother of: 1
My last run was: 21.1 kilometers (13.1 miles, for you American folk) on a beautiful spring morning, wearing new socks.  Do not underestimate the power of fresh new socks.


Mother of: 2 “very active” boys
Through a delicious and heady mix of positive peer pressure: I went from zero miles to a half marathon in about half a year.

Mother of: 2
After walking a half marathon in October 2009:  the enthusiasm of the spectators and participants made me wish I knew how to run. When I finished, I promised myself I would be back to do this half again and I would be running. And in May 2010, I did it.


Mother of: 3
When I am trying to clear my head: I can get lost counting my steps. The steps between light poles, between the cracks in the sidewalks, and from one end the block to the other.