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Hump Day Giveaway: How’s the Weather?

October 27, 2010

Snow, snow, let's play in the snow.

Scenario 1: Boulder in August. A 10k, the third part of an Olympic-distance triathlon. I hit the run portion around 10 a.m., I’m guessing, and the sun was already blaring in the cloudless sky. The temps must have been in the low 90’s; the ice I stuffed down my tank–something I’d never done before and haven’t done since–hardly registered. There was more shade in the Sahara, and I melted in more ways than one.

Scenario 2: Denver in January. A 12-miler, getting ready for the Austin half-marathon. Katherine, a total sport who did my entire training plan without running the race, meets me at 7 a.m.  Temp is probably 15. The sky is dark when we head out, and the cloudy sky never really brightens beyond a dirty-water gray. Our noses freeze, our toes go numb, my tights feel too thin. The only extraneous body part that doesn’t go frigid are our hands, because she, the kind soul she is, brought a pair of hand-warmers for both of us. I felt strong and, although I was psyched to see the car at the end, I could’ve run for a few more miles.

I’m a fresh, crisp air girl. (Ask Grant, who moans every time I open the window above our bed when it’s 20 degrees outside. Can’t.stand.stagnant.air.) While scenario 2 is a bit extreme, I’d rather run in snow than heat, under clouds than sun, when it’s chilly rather than crazy hot. Like SBS, I’ve run a marathon in the rain (NYC 1997), I’ve run through thunderstorms and I’ve even been hailed on, but I replay scenario 1 run often in my mind and shudder when I do; it’s the worst race I’ve ever had, both mentally and physically–and I attribute quite a bit of that to the weather.

SBS reports Keen's cute Bern Baby Bern boot is all the rage with Portland mamas.

So this a little Al Roker-ish, but runners love a good race report–and a good chat about weather as it relates to running. What’s the worst weather situation you’ve ever run in? Let us know and you could win a pair of  Keens of your choice. Bumper-toed Keens, the jackknife of the shoe world, can tromp through water and mud; keep you upright over roots and rocks; repel water; keep your feet toasty; protect your big toe if you’re flip-flopping; make you look cute at book club; and on and on.

So what has Mother N. served up for you at a less-than-ideal time? If you don’t have a go-to answer, no worries:  let us know what weather you prefer to run in: hot, cold, humid, frigid?

p.s. The random winner of the day-glow, awesome Saucony jacket and tights (good for all kinds of weather) will be announced on our Facebook page today. So that’s a subtle way of saying like us, if you haven’t. Gracias.

288 Comments leave one →
  1. Heather permalink
    October 27, 2010 3:44 am

    The scariest was probably an out-and-back last winter when it was -8. I got about a mile out and realized everything hurt. I did manage to make it back, but there was a lot of worry as I thawed out my toes. The result is that I’m saving for a treadmill before the real winter cold sets in. I hate them, but at least I’ll have a safe option!

  2. October 27, 2010 3:47 am

    -20 C plus windchill. Little ice crystals scraping off my face.

  3. Julie permalink
    October 27, 2010 3:54 am

    Living in the desert, I try to keep most of my running indoors (treadmill or indoor track) during the hottest part of summer. But about a week before my first 5K, I went running with a buddy at 9AM on a Saturday (about an hour later than I would usually even attempt it), and I almost puked. It was a big confidence buster for the 5K, but thankfully, the weather turned during the next few days and race day turned out to be a wonderfully drizzly day!

  4. Susan MMcGrann permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:06 am

    I ran a 10 miler in a nor’easter this March. My frined & I signed up earlier and I thought he was crazy when he told me he was still going. I don’t know what possessed me to go too! It was mostly on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. When we started out the wind was in our faces (thank you) – it was 5 out and back. At some point I had to stop because you could not move forward. All I kept thinking about was the turn and it would get easier.

    When I turned, the wind was blowing so hard at my back it almost knocked me down. I finished 2nd in my class (there were on 2 of us!). I ran a 12 mile race out and a 9 mile pace in I later learned that the wind was 50 mph At least I got a good story out of it.

  5. October 27, 2010 4:36 am

    I love running when it’s cold and rainy. I feel alive.
    The first 20 mile training run I did was in January 2006 36 drgrees, pouring rain. I felt amazing, could have run all day. It was a big confidence booster.
    I have to say that coming home, after taking a
    hot shower makes it all worth it!!

  6. alison hoeh permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:53 am

    i live in georgia and did a half marathon in buffalo, ny in may. i was used to running in the high 90’s and their weather wasin the 80’s. i loved it and thought it was a little cold. other people from there thought it was way too hot. it was also along the water front so the wind coming from the water was so refreshing! that has been my best run yet!

  7. October 27, 2010 4:58 am

    My last 10k (my second), we sat in the car in the pouring rain watching the lightning all around us and wondered if we’d even have the race. We did…and it rained for the first and last two miles…but while I was dreading the rain, it turned out to be perfect for running! Not too hot, not too cold (although at first, it took some getting used to).

    I’d have to say I prefer cold over hot. I ran my fastest 5K in cold temps where I couldn’t feel my toes. Hot, not so much. Just can’t seem to get that one down, which is unfortunate since I live in Texas where even Monday was 90 degrees…yes, in October.

  8. October 27, 2010 5:03 am

    I have lots of weather stories from running, but I’ll go with the first – and therefore most memorable – weather-related memory. I ran track in Jr. High & High School. This story comes from 7th grade. Our teeny school had no track and the work outs were almost always a mix of boys & girls, ages 12 – 18… so the mass of us did our workouts out and about in the town. One classic workout was running to a very steep (and mostly free of cars) road about 1.5 miles from school and then going up and down it until you wanted to die. One day this work out was on the docket and it was raining pretty hard and tropically humid. We tracksters were hard core, of course, so off we went. We got to the bottom of the killer hill. And smelled something. There was a dead skunk. It really smelled. But, our coaches were not going to let us use that as an excuse. Up the hill we went again and again. Every so often, a vehicle would go by and we would all move off to the side of the road. The vehicle would go over the dead skunk and the smell of said skunk would be enhanced by about 100x. Again, hard rain, sticky humidity, and mouth watering skunk scent…. Oh, and a billion hill repeats. You already know this, but I’ll say it anyway: at least 5 kids were in the bushes puking their guts out. That’s not 100% weather at fault, but it sure didn’t make things LESS memorable!

    But seriously, I’m w/ Dim… horribly cold is not fun but it is SO much better than hot.

  9. Tricia permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:04 am

    A few years ago ran a December half marathon in NC…and the temperature never got above 20 degrees..unheard of here and I never shed a single layer! Needless to say, I didn’t have a PR that day! 🙂

  10. October 27, 2010 5:12 am

    the worst: race day. drank coffee to clear my system before the run (tmi!) which was naturally dehydrating. in order to avoid a jostling belly I avoided drinking h2o before start time. bad news. in the heat of summer. spf 65 slathered on – running into my eyes. START. dry tongue, burning eyes, tasting the sunscreen sweat down my face, 90something degrees and…heatstroke!! what should’ve been a comfortable race turned into what felt like a marathon. poor decisions + hot conditions = a lesson learned and a preference for cool, crisp and slightly overcast running weather.

  11. Den permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:15 am

    10 mile training run in freezing rain coming down horizontally!

  12. Robin permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:16 am

    Cold! Took 3rd in a 5k once when it was -7 (it pays to be tough!). I couldn’t feel my feet by the end, but it was way better than this summer’s heat and humidity.
    Worst weather ever though was a run my husband and I did over 10 years ago. It switched from severe weather watch to warning and there was a terrible storm with branches flying in our path and sheets of rain. We ran like the wind (ha,ha) and felt lucky to make it home. We pay more attention to the forecast these days.

  13. Gabrielle Bedell permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:17 am

    I’ll run in just about any weather, although a light snow is my all time favorite. My worst case scenario is wind. I HATE running in windy weather. Case in point, for the last two days here in Denver we have had ridiculous wind. Not just a strong breeze, that’s ok. But waking up in the moring to find your whole patio set somewhere in your backyard. Which is why I am here posting and not out running at 5am. I will also not run below 0 degrees, but I’m pretty much game for just about anything else mother nature decides to throw my way!

  14. October 27, 2010 5:22 am

    Haven’t had to run in the snow (yet) but my first race was the MORE mag half marathon thru Central Park in April. Torrential rain and 42 degrees. I’d never run in rain before (brand new runner mostly on treadmills) so it was a big deal. Now I love to run in the rain!

  15. cynthia permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:24 am

    My first race is in 2 wks! A half marathon and I’m stoked! I will admit that colder conditions are much better than blazing hot ones…GA weather is pretty good overall for a runner!

  16. Kalee permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:25 am

    Running inside an aircraft carrier that was in the Persian Gulf. Yes, I realize I was indoors so the weather is relative, but the temperature in the gym read 110 degrees and felt like a sauna it was so humid and moist. It was misery.

    • Chris permalink
      October 28, 2010 6:11 pm

      Wow…good for you! Assume you were serving in the military? If so, thank you.

  17. Abbey S permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:31 am

    I am going to shamefully admit I just started running outside this past summer, so I don’t have many weather-related war stories. I, however, have found that I enjoy running more in the early morning (light!) humid hours than in the freezing (DARK) early hours.

  18. KathyinMN permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:38 am

    Ran the Get in Gear 10k in MN in the pouring rain one year. It was horrendous. Stepped in a puddle somewhere in mile 1 and squished squished squished my way to the finish. I was soaked, despite wearing a raincoat. My shorts were stuck…ok, I’ll end that story right there.

    The following year for the Get in Gear? Snow. My DH was supposed to run with me-said “no way” and rolled over and went back to sleep. I ran in a couple of layers and long pants. It was freezing for the first couple of miles because the wind and snow were right on your face. And after you finished you froze. (My group actually headed to Brueggers to get out of the wind-that’s when we started to call ourselves the bagel bunch.)

    Third worst? Reindeer Run a couple of years back. Started to snow right before the start. Ran with a gf who was new to running. By the time we finished there was at least 2-3 inches on the ground (it was snowing that hard). That storm dumped I think 8 inches total. Not fun.

    But honestly-rain is the worst.

  19. Steff permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:42 am

    During a 12-miler last year, getting ready for a half marathon, two friends and I set out in a cold, drizzling rain, that quickly became a torrent of icy slush–which didn’t let up for a full two hours! We felt like we were actually inside the Slushee machine at 7-11.
    But–that run made for a good story! We’re still talking about it, and about how tough we are, of course.

  20. October 27, 2010 5:44 am

    Living in Syracuse, NY, running in cold weather and snow is par for the course. The worst race ever though, was a hilly 10-miler at the beginning of May, which is an iffy time here. The weather leading up to it had been typical for April, cold and rainy. The day of the race brought strange, record-breaking humidity with temps close to 90!! No one was prepared for hot weather, all of the aid stations ran out of water and over 60 people ended up in the med tent. I made it through, but my hopes for a PR were thrown out the window VERY early!!

  21. Julianne Hyma permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:45 am

    It’s a toss-up between an ice-over (in below zero temps) in northern New York and a blinding snow storm in Michigan, both of which were long-run days in the range of 18-20 miles. As much as I normally thrive in cool, rainy weather, snow definitely has a way of testing my resolve!

    • Terzah permalink
      October 28, 2010 5:32 pm

      I love your profile pic!

  22. Rosalyn Suazo permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:48 am

    I run a trail by my house for most of my runs. I feel safe and I’m always impressed by the people that are out there rain or shine. A couple years ago my hubby was on his way back from his first deployment and I wanted to get in one last run before he got home. I knew it was cold but I wasn’t worried I layered the baby in clothes and I had the cover for the stroller. I headed out for my run and no one was on the trail. I hit the first turn and it was so cold it felt like it sucked the wind out of my mouth. I had to slow down and that day I only did one lap. I will never forget that cold.

  23. October 27, 2010 5:51 am

    I haven’t run in any horrible weather yet. I have a treadmill so I just stay in if it’s too bad out.

    My favorite to run in though is 60 degrees and slightly overcast… simply delicious to my legs and lungs!

  24. Martha permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:54 am

    Hate the hot, relish the sunny, 20degree Wisconsin days. The worst weather scenario was probably my “fog run”. So foggy it was scary…I kept getting dirty looks from passing cars (didn’t they know I had a training schedule to keep)!

  25. October 27, 2010 5:55 am

    Picture this. It is the last week in October and you head out for what should be a nice, crisp fall run. But even as you are passing trees with changing leaves and jack-o-lanterns you realize you are trying to breath through air that is like soup and you are dripping sweat down the sidewalk. That is because you live in the middle of a swamp – a.k.a. Charleston, SC – and the humidity is still 90% and the teperature hovers in the 80’s. Still. And it probably will be until January, when it will become cool for exactly two months and then return to blistering heat by March. I live with “scenerio 1” about 10 months a year! But, I tell you what, when the cool weather finds us in January my mediocre pace feels positively Kenyan!

  26. Carolyn permalink
    October 27, 2010 5:57 am

    I’ve had a few crazy weather runs, including a 15 mile training run in the pouring, frigid rain. But the WORST, hands down, was this year’s Broad Street 10 Mile Run in Philadelphia. It was May 2, 2010, so the weather SHOULD have been around 70, maybe 50, or even 80 degrees. But this year, it was over 90 degrees, humid, and sunny. I think it’s safe to say none of the record 30,000 runners trained for this weather, so the organizers were understandably concerned. I remember watching the weather report on the TV and hearing our local weatherman say, “Hottest Broad Street Run on record.” But – most of us made the 10 miles in the end, thanks to the all the water and Gatorade stations, the spraying fire hydrants, and locals just spraying hoses.

  27. October 27, 2010 6:00 am

    One year the Austin marathon had a high of 28 degrees and icy roads. I was frozen for 2 days straight afterwards. That probably doesn’t sound that extreme, but this is Texas….we don’t do freezes very well here. Now a 90 degree run with 85% humidity is more our cup of tea….that’s easy.

  28. Nicole permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:06 am

    Can this be a memorable bike ride? out at a decent 50 degree temp, got lost and then to add insult to injury, the temp dropped and it started snowing…

  29. Majda permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:09 am

    There aren’t any really bad conditions compared to what I’ve read in other comments – so the worst weather I’ve ever ran in was falling snow and strong icy wind.

  30. Beth Sutton permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:14 am

    I’m a complete wimp, but I really hate the heat. Not crazy about the cold either… yup, I’m a wimp. I normally run in the dark, so daylight and heat really disagrees with me!

  31. October 27, 2010 6:16 am

    Worst weather related was in a thunder storm on our first day of marathon training in 2009. We thankfully only had 6 miles on the schedule but it was an out and back with little coverage once we were out and had to head back. We leaped over puddles and trees that had landed in our path. I joked aloud that the club t shirt that I was supporting for the first time really was good at wicking water away from my skin. A joke sort of lost when you are literally running for your life and dodging tree limbs.

  32. Stephanie permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:17 am

    Haven’t run in too many horrible conditions- luckily all my races have been ok weather so far and for training runs if it’s too rainy or cold i stay on the treadmill.

    Given a choice of weather my fav is a cool crisp overcast fall day. I’ll take the cold over the heat any day!

  33. October 27, 2010 6:21 am

    I did most of my training for a marathon during the summer heat, but then the weather here in Michigan takes a nice change. Fall settles in and you are able to do your long long runs in a very comfortable 50 degrees (or cooler). Then marathon day comes, and who could predict that it would 85 and sunny on 10-10-10 in Chicago. I would say that is my worst run ever. Heat, humidity, with 35,000 other runners around you. Holy Moly. I survived, I finished but not near what I wanted. I would take the cold (not necessarily the snow and ice), any day compared to the heat and humidity.

  34. Nancy Mize permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:26 am

    Hands down worst was an 8K in North Carolina in March a few years back. We’d been training really well in winter temperatures somewhere in the 30 degree range, right up to the day or two before the race, and race day –for an afternoon race!!!— heated up to the 80’s, on a hilly downtown course. I ran with a plant-misting spray bottle and misted myself & everyone who was suffering as much as I was, and still had the absolute worst run of the past 20 years!

  35. October 27, 2010 6:28 am

    I only started running this year. But I started in February and in Southern NJ February can be a brutal month! From snow to nor’easters and back again. I ran in whatever the weather of the day was and I loved it!!

    I don’t have a horror story about weather and running but I hope to have one soon!

  36. Tricia permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:29 am

    My first 5K I ran in a cold, wet, downpour. At the time, I didn’t love it so much, but since running other races/runs I have come to love running in the rain.

  37. October 27, 2010 6:33 am

    I do love to run in the snow, not so much when it’s blowing though. I absolutely hate the heat. And don’t do well in anything above 75 degrees. My worst race was a sprint tri this Memorial Day and it was raining horizontally, freezing. Water temps in the 50’s. All of us commented how we felt we had a block in our running shoes because our feet were frozen on the bike ride and we were all still feeling the clips. But I’d still take the cold anyday over the heat.

  38. Tricia M. permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:34 am

    I ran my first 5K in a downpour. I find that running in the rain is a great way to stay cool living in south Mississippi!

  39. Stacia permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:37 am

    Wow. This one is a no-brainer for me. Just last week I ran-or tried to run-the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco. I had trained for months and I felt great. It was my first marathon. I had been fund raising for Team in Training for all of those months as well. I was raising money to fight the disease that took my best friend at the age of 12. The weeks leading up to the marathon were fraught with emotions I didn’t anticipate. I was talking more about my friend, Pam, than I had in many years. I was training almost daily. I was practically being force fed by my friends and family who thought I just wasn’t eating enough. And, I was crying…on my runs…crying for Pam, for the amazing support I was being shown, out of fear, out of hope, out of relief and release. But, I arrived in San Francisco, post taper, feeling strong and ready to run for Pam and all of the people who got me to that starting line. I started strong and confident, I ran the biggest hills–no walking! Then, on the downhill of the last big hill I felt something go in my knee. I saw my husband at around mile 11 and told him something was very wrong. Then, here’s your weather–it started to rain. It was cold! I was wearing a singlet! This was not what they forecast at all. My knee wouldn’t bend. I had to walk. And…I because I know couldn’t run, I got colder. And colder. Saw my coach and she hugged me and said I really should stop at the next med tent but I refused to stop walking until then. We walked and I shivered and she talked. Med tent. IT Band. HYPOTHERMIA! No frigging way! All the training. All of the work. Mother Nature took me out. I cried and cried some more then relented and left the race. I’ve always hated weather people and now, I was given a solid definable reason to. Mother Nature, and the “meteorologists” of San Francisco had taken me out–literally–at the knees. I had a nice UnderArmor long sleeve back in the hotel. I was convinced that, given the forecast, I didn’t need it! How’s that for some weather hatred? Oh, and all of this at mile 17! Dude. That stinks like last week’s running socks.

    • October 27, 2010 12:45 pm

      I’m so sorry you had such a rough race after all the heart (and soul & sweat & TEARS) you put into training for your race. No matter the result on that day, you surely honored your friend with your efforts and your family & friends must be SO incredibly proud of you.

  40. October 27, 2010 6:37 am

    does playing soccer in a nevada hailstorm count?

    my fav weather is hot enough to get a good sweat and cool enough to feel refreshed.

  41. October 27, 2010 6:38 am

    I’ve only really been running for about 4 months, so the opportunity for bad weather has been pretty limited. I’d love to say the time I ran in a torrential downpour was the worst, but the crazy side of me kind of liked that 🙂 For me, the worst was early August – over 90 every day, and about 98% humidity. Air so thick you could barely breathe. I was SO glad when autumn arrived on the east coast.

  42. Sharon permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:40 am

    I love running in cool weather, even when it is chilly. But I don’t like the mornings when the winds is really blowing.

  43. October 27, 2010 6:46 am

    In Oct. 2008, I ran in the Arkansas Traveller 100 miler, west of Little Rock, in the Ouachita National Forest. 1 hour into the race – a huge thunderstorm hit, along with a wall of water (HUGE RAIN) that kept coming for another 3 hours. It rained, and rained, and rained. A nice lady working at one of the aid stations saved my bacon by cutting arm/head holes in a large green hefty cinch sack garbage back — which I wore for the next few hours — to protect myself from the deluge. Finally it stopped, and I was able to meet up with my crew around mile 34, for a change of dry socks, shoes and clothing. Dry clothes never felt so good!

  44. Erin DeGroff permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:47 am

    I am definitely a cold weather runner. Heat, humidity and a scorching sun are not for me. When I race in the summer, it just takes so much out of me. Most of my PRs have been at races where it has been cold, rainy and/or windy 🙂 I bought snowshoes last year, and have contemplated entering a snowshoe race this winter!

  45. Erin DeGroff permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:50 am

    I am definitely a cold weather runner. Heat and humidity just take so much out of me. Most of my PRs have been at races that were cold, rainy and/or windy. I bought snowshoes to run in last year, and I am contemplating entering a race with them this year.

  46. Laurie permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:53 am

    Cara S., you and I could be twins! I have only started running , seriously, this year and found a running buddy for the summer. We get up and meet at 5 to run. Here in South Georgia, it rains most summer nights pretty heavy, which makes for pea soup humidity in the early pre-dawn mornings. We have a saying in my group of running friends, “August pains make for February gains.” I do believe I would like running in the freezing cold than in the heat and humidity, not that I will get much opprotunity for that where I live.

  47. otherjulie permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:58 am

    In college in Colorado Springs, I ran up hill in about 18 inches of powder before sunrise as part of a 5 miler. I distinctly remember cresting the hill and overlooking the campus and feeling so alive.

    It was probably the worst conditions…not just the snow on top of ice…but also running alone in cold weather before daybreak. Ah…the joys of the innocence of youth.

    However, it was one of the coolest experiences ever. I felt I could handle anything. It gave perspective.

  48. October 27, 2010 6:59 am

    I’ve had a few races in rain and rumbling from above…but by far and away my worst run was this last May. My planned 20 miler started at 5AM with the feels like already hitting 100 degrees…by the time the sun came up I was running on black asphalt to try and finish up. The combined heat created a new level of exhaustion and dizziness for me. The result was stopping at mile 17, but still feeling like quite the rockstar for getting that far in the heat!

  49. October 27, 2010 7:00 am

    The worst…training run for my first half in the mid morning, hot summer, no shade, hadn’t discovered fuel belts yet. I thought I was going to keel over.

    I bought a fuel belt that afternoon.

    When I ran my first half, I randomly ran into (ha!) a friend (also running her first half) and we talked about our worst run. It was the same exact day, at the same time, same planned miles, just in different towns.

  50. WendyLD permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:04 am

    I don’t do hot and humid well at. all. I prefer cool any day of the week.

  51. Kari permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:07 am

    If it’s hotter than 75 or colder than 65 I just go to the treadmill, I’m such a wimp! I’d love love love to get good cold weather gear and run outside this winter, but my toes freeze!

  52. becelisa permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:11 am

    my worst weather run was a 22.5 mile training run that started at 4:30 a.m. to try and beat the heat of florida summer. but even that early it was already 84 degrees with 100 percent humidity! by the time we got to mile 18 it was closing in on 95 degrees, i’d gone through 3 pairs of socks and literally looked like i had jumped in a swimming pool. we quit at that point. figured it was dangerous to try and make it any further. i’ll take 40 degree temps and under armor over heat like that any day!

  53. October 27, 2010 7:13 am

    My favorite running weather is a smidge on the warm side and pouring rain. It’s so hilarious to me when trucks pull over during deluges and offer me a ride. Er, sir, thank you (?) but since zombies are not chasing me (and, even if they are, if they’re a fair amount behind (if they ever come, by the way, let’s hope they’re the slow ones) I’ll still take my chances), I think I will continue my on-purpose run rather than hop in your cab with you.

    Least favorite, eyeball freezing wind. I’m running an ocean-side 10K this Feb in Cape Cod and a guy at the running store said he ran it a few years ago and the weather was “….problematic.” Haha. Yay!

  54. Jennifer H. permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:16 am

    Really the most scared I have been is when a summer thunderstorm hit a couple of miles away from home at 6am. I was too far out to get home quickly, so I figured I would just make the most of it. I ran in shoes that felt like water slides and through thunder that rocked me to the core, but I didn’t have my phone and there was no way to get home any faster than running. When I finally made it home and lightning and thunder cracked in our bedroom, my husband asked me what possessed me to run in a monsoon? My answer- crazy dedication to running (and the fact that I had no idea when I left that it was going to storm). All that being said, I prefer to run in the cold than in the heat. You can always add more layers, but you can’t take off but so many!

  55. Natalie permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:17 am

    My worst racing weather corresponds to two big firsts. I ran my first half-marathon in a torrential downpour. It was seriously pouring the entire time. Stopping to pee was a feat with all that wet bedraggled clothing. I ran my first marathon in temps that were WAY too hot. The course hazard level started at green and quickly escalated to red.

    I also once ran a 5K in super icy conditions. People were slipping and sliding all over the place.

    That’s Chicago for you. I figure now that I know I can run in the worst conditions, I don’t have to obsess about the weather anymore before a big race!

  56. katie permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:17 am

    I haven’t run enough races in enough parts of the world to have experienced any weather too bad…Mostly my races have been early morning August runs in Utah, afternoon springtime runs in Montana, and one 26.2 mile run in Vegas, early spring. I have run in some pretty snowy cold weather for the purpose of training, but training runs become optional for me when the temps dip too far, or the hail gets too hard. That being said, my mental state suffers far more in the heat then the cold, and my legs carry my further in the snow then the rain. And perhaps worst of all for me…the wind.

  57. KarenM permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:21 am

    I think the worst running weather is rain and temps in the 30s. That just feels miserable! I love running while it’s snowing! There’s definitely a sweet spot – after there are tire tracks on the roads that you can run in, but before lots of cars start venturing out and packing the snow into ice.

  58. October 27, 2010 7:24 am

    I enjoy running during the winter. Since it’s so dark in the morning, I wear a headlamp. The snow glistens in its light. Up here in the Upper Peninsula of MI, it can get very cold, tempted to run in a pair of ski goggles.

    The summer for me is the worst weather to run in. But, running on a treadmill inside is even worse. I don’t know how you all run on that thing!

  59. Carolyn permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:25 am

    I prefer cooler weather when running. My favorite time of year to run is early in the morning in the late spring and early fall (it’s light out already abd the air is brisk but I can still run in my running capris and a light ling sleeve shirt). I hate the heat, I often run in the snow in the winter with my yak traks on my feet!

  60. Priscilla permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:27 am

    I am certainly a cold weather runner, so my worst running experience was 85 degrees with full sun and no wind. My head pounded and I vomited!

    However, one of my favorite runs was in terrible weather – terrible, by most people’s standards. I left my car at work the night before, my husband having picked me up. But I needed to get it in the morning to drive to work. My brilliant idea was to run to work (only 3.5 mi) before work, drive home, shower, eat, and drive back to work. I had actually done this several times and it worked out ok, until this fateful December morning. I started out at 5:00 a.m. in a light mist with temps around 40, but within one mile, it was a full fledged icy thunderstorm. The temps dropped, the wind kicked up, lightening crashed too close for comfort, and I was soaked and chilled to the bone by mile 2. I hunkered down under building eaves for a few minutes hopping it would let up – it didn’t. So I just plowed on. When I reached my car, I stripped off all my clothes, save my sports bra and panties and wrapped up in one of those old scratchy blankets you keep in the back of your car. I cranked up the heat and drove home for a hot shower and giant bowl of oatmeal. Now – you tell that story to a non-runner and they are horrified — running in early morning, in the dark, in the icy rain, are you crazy? Tell it to a runner and they nod, smile, and tell their own “war” story.

  61. Megan permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:29 am

    Hail, a mile from home. No cover, couldn’t do anything but just keep going. I had little red welts all over, but I was so grateful for my ballcap.

  62. October 27, 2010 7:31 am

    I just ran Chicago 10-10-10, and while that was a feat in itself (crazy hot) my worst training weather happened on my 20 mile run. I signed up for a supported training run and at about mile 12, the sky opened up, scary lightening and thunder and torrential downpour. They told us we could wait under the aid station tents, but at that point, I was now freezing and just wanted it to be over. I finished it (it rained until mile 19.5), but it wasn’t pretty – I ended up with a huge blister on the bottom of my foot because my shoes were so wet, and I shivered the whole drive home even though I had the heat cranked in the car.

    It DID make me confident that I could go 26.2, I’ll say that. But otherwise, it sucked.

  63. October 27, 2010 7:33 am

    Worst: Nov. In MN, headed out in shorts and tee because it felt like 50 degrees. Half way into my loop it started raining, temps dropping, wind whipping, rain turned to sleet. Actually kind of like it is today! I was soaked to the bone, but fortunately my husband, who knew my route and had warned me that the rain was coming, picked me up. With a blanket. Happy ending.

  64. October 27, 2010 7:34 am

    For me it’s WIND. We live northwest of Denver and we get MAD WIND … 75-80mph fairly regularly. I remember going out for a run with my husband one morning and and feeling like we were running in place. I would rather almost any condition besides wind. Blech.

  65. Janice S permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:36 am

    I’m a fair weather runner… The worst I’ve ever run in is rain and that started AFTER I was already out. The slightest hint of anything uncomfortable (extreme heat or cold) and I’m going to the treadmill!

  66. October 27, 2010 7:38 am

    This past May I was on a relay team, Team Tharm, for the Charleston, SC half-ironman. I was psyched for a flat, fast course, hoping to PR.
    Our swimmer rocked the mile.
    Our cyclist cycled like there’s no tomorrow.
    Our runner, however, did not.
    By the time I got the chip, it was 11 0’clock and the sun was rising fast. Though the previous day had been cool, this Saturday’s temperature maxed out at a balmy, humid 85 degrees. At mile three I realized that this race was not going to be my finest, due largely in part to the sudden spike in heat, not to mention the mostly asphalt course and my rampant dehydration. It was ugly.
    I finished with a PW, sadly, but I did finish. And you know what? If they asked me to do that race again, I’d say yes. At least this time I’ll know.

  67. Arwen Bobyk permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:42 am

    I started running last January – here in Ottawa, Ontario, where temps regularly dip down to and stay at -35 Celcius (yes – minus thirty-five). In order not to chicken out I would NEVER look at the temp before hitting the pavement in the morning (I was also 2 months post-partum with my second child). One morening I got back and my husband said: “I was worried about you – it’s negative 43 Celcius!!” I was running so fast, I barely noticed how cold it was! Now…I love winter running best!

  68. Mary McDonald permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:45 am

    I detest cold, windy and damp weather. Detest it!! I also can’t stand very humid weather. I like a 50 degree fall day.

  69. Beverly permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:46 am

    My very first half marathon was in Las Vegas in Feb. Weather was great the two days before the race. The morning of the race the wind picked up. At the start we were told we would be running into a head wind of 35/40mph with gusts up to 50/60 mph. Luckily, we were told, the winds would subside as soon as the sun came. No such luck. The wind continued the whole race. I had sand pits in my sunglasses.Sand in places I never expected any place off the beach. I have to say I will never forget that race. I figured if I could finish that race I could finish any race!

    • Beverly permalink
      October 27, 2010 7:50 am

      Oops didn’t mean to submit. That race was seven years ago. I’ve have since trained in all kinds of weather – snow over my ankles, strong winds, heavy downpours and the heat and humidity of this past summer. Finishing that first race keeps me going.

  70. October 27, 2010 7:46 am

    Fall temperatures in Quebec, Definately. Coolish, no bugs, light rain maybe, but not bitterly cold or scorchingly hot. A couple of years ago we had the greatest temperature variations in 12 months on the planet – — -40 celcius to +40 celcius. I’m not made for extremes.
    These few weeks in fall are just perfect for me.

  71. Stacy permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:51 am

    A semi-supported 18ish mile training run where it was raining buckets the entire time. I wrung water out of my clothes several times during the run. And the map my running partner was carrying was useless because it had gotten so wet. My shoes never were the same again.

  72. Jessica Stout permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:53 am

    My very first race ever was a 5k called Run Like Hell the night before Halloween last year in Indianapolis. It was FREEZING- and RAINING adn the WIND was blowing like mad… I knew if I could run in that for my first- nothing would ever stop me! I did it… and it was crazy fun despite the horrible weather!

  73. October 27, 2010 7:53 am

    I’ve run a couple events that didn’t have ideal weather (downpour during a turkey trot and snow nearby when it was April), but those were complete joys to run in compared to running in the heat. In the summer here in Tucson, if I am not out the door by 6am at the latest, I might as well not go. On the days I have gone, I am slow, sluggish, and quite often feel like throwing up! If that isn’t how to learn about getting up and out the door to run, I don’t know what is! I can think of two separate runs in which I got out late and really didn’t think I was going to make it back to my house… ever – that’s how bad I was feeling!

    Thankfully, it’s now October, and I can wait until 8am some mornings to go if I want!

  74. Cheryl permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:56 am

    We Winnipegers relish telling these stories. We have an event here called the Hypothermic Half in late February. It hasn’t been too bad when I have run it, a balmy -14C or -20C, but the training runs in January can be a bit brutal: down to -40C (the same as -40F). My longest run at that temperature was 16 miles, and unlike the Ottawa woman, I definitely DID notice the cold! Still, running through the winter makes for a happier running mother. And the sun on the snow is beautiful.

  75. Leslie permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:57 am

    I’m in Washington State, so running in the rain is a given. I don’t mind the rain but my favorite would be a crisp cool day. I’m a total heat wimp if I have to run in weather over 75 degrees. (there is a reason I live in the PNW!)

  76. Elizabeth permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:57 am

    I live in the Northern Rockies, so training for the February Austin 1/2 marathon was a challenge. In the weeks before the race the temps stayed in the single digits. I ran outside with every part of my body iced over and then reluctantly hit the gym. I thought that I needed to run in a warmer environment to get ready for Austin. Race day was warm and very humid and I thought it felt heavenly.

  77. Lynn permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:01 am

    Sometimes it’s fun to have salt on our skin from a very long, hot sweaty run, but icicles our your eyelashes is something else! The worst weather I’ve ever run in was about 15 years ago around Lake Calhoun in MN… my twin sis and I set out at around 5pm in the midde of January. I think it was around 10 degrees F temperature wise, but the windchill was something else. It was howling and dark and started to snow mid run. The path around the lake was plowed when we started, but once we finished we were high stepping it through snow drifts. I want to say we ran 15 but it was closer to 6 very long, numbing, frigid miles!

    • Lisa permalink
      October 28, 2010 9:55 am

      I remember this! And didn’t we get lost??

  78. Amber Izzo permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:04 am

    The worst weather I ran in was also in Boulder this August. It was the Heart and Sole 1/2 marathon. It was in the 90’s and I am assuming because of the heat I got the worst blood blisters of my life. It was a run/walk hobble of discomfort. Also, and I am assuming because of the heat I ended up losing all of the electrolytes and liquids that I had tried so hard to ingest when after the race I couldn’t stop throwing up. Needless to say, heat and I are not great friends and I would rather run in any weather than hot and sunny. You’d never know that I am a Florida native:)

  79. Iliana Zuniga permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:06 am

    My very first 5k was last october. The weather had been perfect until that day. I woke up to a very cold, rainy (snowy), and very windy morning. I had a great race that day still but loathed running with wind. Specially when you are running against it.

    My favorite weather to run in is cloudy, a bit cold but not too much. Love running in the rain during the summer too!

  80. October 27, 2010 8:08 am

    It was in California 18 years ago…didn’t realize it was REALLY cold out and just put on some thin tights and long sleeve tee…when I got home, I felt like I was running on wood pegs, not feet. Totally couldn’t feel anything. Yuck.

  81. Kelly permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:12 am

    I haven’t experienced an extreme weather situation in racing….It’s always funny when you come back from a cold run and you have frost all over your head ;). Love the cold weather running (except for black ice!)

  82. Angela permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:17 am

    I will happily run in the coldest, wettest, darkest weather…unless I’m pushing the jogging stroller and trying to run a 5K in a 44mph headwind. Then I’m not happy. Not happy at all. Oddly, I thought this would be a fun way to spend the Saturday morning before Mother’s Day this year at the (I kid you not) annual Run Like a Mother 5&10K in Harrison Twp, MI. But let’s be frank, I did it for the cool shirt and the mystery prize promised to all mommy finishers pushing a jogging stroller. My goal was to come in under 30 minutes, but I fought that wind and a very tight course the entire 3.1 miles and ended up finishing in just over 32 minutes. BUT, we were the first jogging stroller to finish. I never did receive aforementioned mystery prize. Maybe they figured no one would be nutty enough to run a 5K with an 18-month old in 44mph hour winds, but I sure wasn’t the only nut out there.

    A close second is the 5K I ran on Belle Isle this past July in 90+ temps with 90+ humidity on a sunny day. It was god awful. I was again pushing the jogging stroller. My two year old wore sunglasses and snacked on a popsicle. Anytime I had the audacity to slow down, she’d yell, “Come ON, Mama! YOU. GO.”. It was the first race I ever threw up after. We were the second jogging stroller to finish that day. I despise running in the heat.

  83. October 27, 2010 8:19 am

    20K in early June in sideways stinging rain. My shoes went ‘squish, squish, squish’ as I ran. I’m with you – I’d rather run in the cold than the heat anytime. Oh – and I am familiar with the open window moan from my husband!

  84. Stephanie permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:24 am

    Worst weather? Definitely the time it hailed. I was a new runner doing a 2 mile loop. It started hailing when I was 1 mile out and there really was no good place to take shelter. I hadn’t yet run 2 miles without stopping, but I did that day! Probably set a personal new speed record too!

  85. Debbie permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:25 am

    I ran my first Half Marathon in April two years ago (Central Park-MORE Half Marathon). The recorded temperature that day was 93 degrees. There was also a marathon scheduled that same morning, which was cancelled due to the heat. That day was the hottest day of the year (even hotter than any NYC summer day!) It was difficult, but I did it.

    The next April, I ran the More Half Marathon again. That time 50 degrees cooler (42 degrees) and pooring rain the entire time. I loved running in the rain, never got too hot and it was refreshing. The worst part was waiting in line to use the bathrooms in the pooring rain!!

  86. October 27, 2010 8:26 am

    I’ve been extremely in terms of weather – I like running in the rain and the cold. The worst has been the heat and humidity of an unpredictable New England summer.

  87. Kristy permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:26 am

    I prefer running in cold weather rather than hot, which is good, considering I live in Michigan! My worst run outside was in the winter, when I nice, snowy morning changed to almost blizzard conditions. Luckily, it was just a short run home!

  88. Tracy permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:28 am

    I haven’t had any crazy race weather but I am a bit odd that I loved running this summer with all the humidity! It totally loosened my muscles up – I started running longer than I ever had in that weather! I am probably in the minority on this one! 🙂

  89. October 27, 2010 8:32 am

    I’m a crisp, cold weather running kind of girl, too. I’d much prefer a wintry day to a hot summer one when it comes to running, and this was made all the more clear to me during a 15k in my hometown this summer. Race started early morning, but it was already sunny and in the 70s when we took off, and this course had a steep hill around the 4-mile mark. I felt I was in great shape — I’d ran a PR in a half marathon about a month prior — but that race, because of the weather I am sure, was so, so bad. I’ve even come to think that maybe I’ll keep my longer distance racing to spring and fall months. Maybe just 5ks in the warmer months.

    Some of my most favorite runs are during our northern Michigan winters, when it can get very, very cold and snowy. I slap on my YakTrax, pile on the layers, hat and gloves, and I’m good to go. I never overheat, which is such a relief. And there’s something magical about running in the snow…that hot cup of coffee afterward is the best, too!

  90. Jamie permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:32 am

    I love to run in cool weather. (Not freezing, but you need a jacket). The worst weather I’ve ever ran in was a half marathon. High of 80 degrees, sun in my face almost the whole time (running East) and forgot my sunglasses. It sucked.

  91. Julie B permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:36 am

    I definitely run in any weather and prefer the slightly cooler to cold weather over hot. Being a mom and a runner, my boys have therefore been pushed in almost all weather. I have avoided the nasty rain and snow storms but all of my boys have been out in 15 degree weather in the jogger. I’m sure many people have questioned my parenting but the kids have always been warm and asleep in that weather.
    The tougher weather to deal with is when it is 35-40 degrees. Unfortunately, it always seems warmer then it is and so more often then not, the boys have left the house in sneakers. Sitting in a jogger in sneakers in 40 degree weather for 40 minutes even with blankets does not usually end up in a good scenario. Toes get cold and start hurting at about 25 minutes in and it’s a painful (cause lots of screaming is usually involved) run back to the car as fast as possible. Whoops! You’d think I’d learn after it happened once but living in deceptively sunny Colorado, I could be running in that temp in single layers and it’s hard to think snow boots for the boys in the jogger. As they’ve gotten older, no one seems to complain about cold feet on sledding days. Maybe I helped them!

  92. Suzanne permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:37 am

    Rain, rain, rain! In high school I loved running cross country on a rainy, muddy, sloppy course and I loved that our lacrosse season coincided with April showers. Even all grown-up, there’s just something about competing in the rain that I totally dig. A few years ago I won a 20K in the pouring rain, and I had a total blast running the first NYC Half Marathon in the rain that summer.

  93. Caroline permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:41 am

    I prefer the cooler temperature…not too cold that it burns the lungs though…I like in the 50s…that is perfect! Real fall temperatures with no rain!!!
    where I am from it is cooler most of the year (Quebec, Canada) but where I live now we get this maybe 2 days a year! (southern California), I HATE, HATE the heat!

  94. October 27, 2010 8:41 am

    Running in humid heat zaps ALL of my energy, and I can’t breath. I never thought I’d like running in cold weather, but I really do prefer it when the temperatures are below 45. (Well, after the first mile when I’m nice and warmed up.) The only real problem I have is starting out in the cold!! My first race ever was set to be a 5K, but, due to weather of all things, it was shortened to a 3K. I had NO IDEA what to wear and ended up with WAY too many layers, all cotton!! I didn’t even know how miserable I was until I started learning how to dress more appropriately (NO COTTON!!) and realized what I wear really can have such a huge impact on my performance!

  95. Melissa permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:44 am

    Much as I love running in the cold and even rain, there are limits. The 2007 Denver Marathon was unseasonably cold and freezing rain fell the entire race. I finished in pretty good time, but have never been so cold in my life! The last part of the race was just miserable; I remember sobbing starting about mile 20 and fantasizing about going home, getting into a hot bath, under warm flannel sheets, or into heavy sweats. The operative theme there was WARM! Was so proud to finish in one piece and felt like I really earned my stripes as a runner that day.

  96. October 27, 2010 8:45 am

    Portland. Winter. Gorge Winds out by airport (SBS you know), sideways downpour and Columbia HEAVY raingear. No ice though (Sometimes I draw the line on my stupidity, HA! :P)

    But I did it and went back to work.

    Living in Seattle now, I find I do not miss those Gorge winds one bit.

  97. Stacy permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:46 am

    I really don’t mind running in the rain, it’s pretty refreshing and hard to avoid at times in the Pacific NW. However I do not like it on race days for long distances or combined with wind. Makes it very miserable. Recently ran a half marathon & it rained most the time. That wasn’t bad but with my feet getting so wet I got 5 blisters! Not a fun time! Another thing is biting cold wind. Ran a 5K in Seattle along the water in March. It was so windy there were whitecaps on Lake Washington. And it was above freezing, but so cold I regretted not wearing tights with my skirt that day 🙂

  98. Kristen permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:51 am

    I ran a 5K this past summer that was about 95 degrees and Alabama humid. It was horrible. I prefer cold weather. I can put more clothes on when its cold but there is no escape from the heat. I mean there is only so far you can go clothing wise :).

  99. stacy permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:52 am

    I’m new to outside running- since summer- so I’ve been out in the high heat and humidity- not fun. Lately it’s been great fall weather- especially on Saturday mornings. Best runs have been in the cooler weather. I don’t think I’m hard core enough to venture out in the rain or extreme conditions yet!

  100. Kristin permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:56 am


  101. Anne permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:57 am

    Cold wet and windy – I ran in sleet last week that was miserable. I feel lucky here that summer mornings are very pleasant – some might call them cool but I love them. On vacation this summer running in the Twin Cities was a bit muggy but my running partners, my sisters, made it worth it.

  102. ShelleyMM permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:04 am

    Cold is not much of a factor where I live, but hot is! This summer I tried to push out 5 miles in 98 degree heat and it was brutal. My heart rate stayed at least 20 bpm above my normal range and I could not bring it down by slowing down. I was drenched with sweat and drained of all energy by the time I got home. I vowed to myself that night to stick to my morning routine and try not to put off a run until the evening, especially during the summer!

  103. jessica permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:10 am

    Well, I grew up running in Washington, so need I say more? One of the most memorable was the time I took a tumble down a hill, on ice, on my rear… and the dog continued to drag me. All in front of a very handsome man. So hair freezing ranks right up there too. I love to run in SoCal… the weather is perfect most of the year.

  104. Annette M permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:17 am

    Easy question… my first race ever was bad (and helped me know what my physical limitations are) — and it wasn’t even hot by comparison to most regions. I ran a 7pm race before a big parade in an uncharacteristically warm June evening here in Portland. Yep, it was – gasp- 80 degrees out. But I was so overheated I was nauseous for three days. The next March, I ran a WONDERFUL Shamrock Run in Portland and it snowed on us — made running up “Pill Hill” feel magical ~ LOVE running in cold!

  105. October 27, 2010 9:17 am

    I guess I’m lucky to live in So Cal because I rarely have to run in bad weather. Last winter though I did head out with rain on the horizon, but I needed my run, so I risked it. Got caught in a downpour and soaked! It was rather exhilarating though 🙂

  106. October 27, 2010 9:18 am

    I run at 5:30 am most mornings in Laramie, Wyoming, elevation 7220 ft above sea level.

    Extreme heat doesn’t really ever happen here but extreme cold/wind/ice/snow does, and regularly at that. I don’t really mind any of it too much except for when the wind carries stinging ice right into your ocular cavities while the roads are simultaneously covered in a smooth sheet of ice, which is pretty much any time from November to March. I’ve fallen on my ass many times and just been thankful that early mornings are dark and the streets are deserted so the only witness was my dog who is lucky enough to have “all wheel drive.” (I swear she’s laughing at me when this happens.)

    My preferred time for running is September and October- when its nice and crisp and cool, but there’s no ice on the roads yet.

  107. Celeste permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:20 am

    Living in CA, the weather doesn’t go much beyond dry and sunny or rainy, so no real stories to share. I do have to say, though, that I am a total wimp when it comes to “heat”…and by “heat,” I mean anything over 65 degrees! I am definitely an early-morning-Fall-and-Winter kind of runner. I’m so happy cooler days are here so I can venture out past 10am for a run.

  108. October 27, 2010 9:26 am

    I’d rather run in cold than hot My worst weather story was from this past June. I ran in the RnR San Diego half marathon. I hadn’t run outside in weather over 40 degrees in all my training. It was a balmy 65-70 degrees throughout the whole run. I was hot and sweating and my toes were being rubbed raw inside my shoes.

    Give me cold and windy (and I hate wind) over hot. Can’t stand being hot.

  109. Lisa permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:26 am

    Thanksgiving Day, 2006, 5 mile Turkey Trot at the beach, Madison, CT, my 4th race, 8 months into running. For some reason (ignorance?) I thought the race would be cancelled!

    38 F, sideways rain and sleet with wind. Luckily I had slathered my face with Vaseline which helped repel the rain, not so much the sleet. Absolutely miserable, don’t remember my time, just wanted to finish. Saw tons of people at the finish and said to myself “there are a LOT of crazy runners.”
    I had tied the race tee around my waist because I didn’t have time to drop it at my car, it’s stained with mud splatters I could never get out. I still wear it, because it reminds me that I’M one of those crazy runners!

  110. Tori permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:29 am

    Last winter I ran after one of the “blizzards” we had here in Georgia. No race, just ran to get out of the house and run off the bowls of chili and smores. (Yes, I, like most Southerners consider it a holiday when when we get a day or two of snow.) Even though it was freezing, etc. I was proud for getting out there. It wasn’t windy that day though – hate ice cold wind and refuse to run in it.

    My favorite running is in the fall when the leaves have changed and blowing around in the wind. I love trail running in the mountains in low humidity. The best!

  111. Rho permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:29 am

    My husband and I ran a 6 hour trail race where whoever runs the furthest, wins. The night before there was about 5 inches of rain and the race started with dropping temps and snow. The puddles froze over and you broke through the top to land in ankle deep freezing water. My feet were past painful to completely numb and I kept falling so after 4 hours, we threw in the towel. Most miserable run ever!

  112. Janey permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:31 am

    With the WET, WET, WET Portland Marathon a couple weeks ago… that of course comes to mind first. I too would prefer WET over hot any day! Memories of running cross country races in Madras Oregon where they set up sprinklers along the course to keep us from getting overheated. Who has a race at 4pm in September in the desert?

    Looked at these boots at REI yesterday! Totally AWESOME!

  113. MicheleS permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:34 am

    Ran a very wet and cool half marathon in Vancouver, WA last January. Once you’re wet, you’re wet so it wasn’t too bad but it did cool down enough to inspire me to pick up the pace for the last 4 miles. Sometimes bad weather can get you moving a bit!
    I would also rather run in cool/cold/rain than hot…..

  114. TinaM permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:50 am

    A 10 miler while training for my first half marathon about 2 years ago. It was 16 degrees with gusty winds and a wind chill well below zero, absolutely miserable conditions but you know what, I felt great!

  115. October 27, 2010 9:52 am

    Living in Portland, running in the rain is a common thing. And it’s really not that bad, as long as it’s the light drizzle Portland is known for. But when it starts POURING down so hard that the water jumps off the pavement and it feels like its coming up at you… that’s a little much for me. I much prefer a warm summer night or morning run to the rain coming up at you!

  116. October 27, 2010 9:54 am

    Ran my first half last year in San Antonio, TX. It was horribly humid and it didn’t help me being in corral #23 so I didn’t cross the starting line ’til 1:20 after start time of 7am. Cooler weather in south Texas usually pops in and out during November, so you just never know. Running my first full this year. For our 21 mile benchmark last weekend, it was cool and overcasted so it was a good run (4.5 miles were hard cuz of the hills). I’m crossing my fingers for a cool/cold front the weekend of 11/14 and getting into a better corral at the start.

  117. October 27, 2010 10:00 am

    The worst weather run I’ve ever had actually ended up being one of my favorite runs. I started with beautiful sunshine when rain had been predicted. It was so beautiful, in fact, that I took off my sweatshirt, tied it around my waist, and enjoyed the sun beating down on my shoulders. Then, raindrops, a la Bambi (drip drip drop little April showers) started coming down at my favorite part of the run. 50 feet later the sky opened up and the rain POURED down. I had 8 miles to go that day and was only at mile 2.5. The temps dropped and I kept going. People passing in their cars looked at me like I was crazy. I decided right then and there that I could suck it up and be proud that I was running in the torrential downpour, or I could be a whiner. I chose to suck it up. By the time I got home, I couldn’t feel my arms and it took the rest of the day to warm up. But, that sure didn’t stop me from calling to my husband as I stuck my head in the door, “Hey, babe, can you get me a towel and my camera??” Yes. I needed to document my crazy wet run!

  118. Kathy G. permalink
    October 27, 2010 10:01 am

    A group track workout that started at 65 degrees and cloudy. 15 minutes it the temperature dropped at least 15 degrees and it poured – buckets, cats, dogs, etc. We were already on the track so we continued running through puddles ankle deep! In retrospect I’m not sure why we didn’t just quit.

    My favorite weather to run in is right now in Austin. 50’s in the morning, clear, crisp, dry!

  119. Lyndsay S. permalink
    October 27, 2010 10:10 am

    Normally if the air temperature is below 0, I won’t run outside. But one winter after 3 days on the treadmill (which I despise), I went outside when it was -4 (windchills about -20). I tried putting a scarf around my mouth, but the condensation from my breath just froze and made it worse. I made it about 4 miles.

  120. October 27, 2010 10:14 am

    Initially, the thought that came to my mind in answering this question was of a torrential downpour that I ran in. That day, I finally identified myself as a “runner,” because I had a run scheduled and ran it despite the weather (weather that got progressively worse as I ran farther from my house). Prior to that, I would have bailed on a run if the weather was less than ideal; that day was a real turning point for me. I have since come to enjoy runs in the rain (though a light rain is much preferred over a downpour). But thinking harder, I realize that the worst weather conditions at this point in my relatively short running career occurred this summer at the beach. The temp was 90+ at 6:30 AM and the humidity was ridiculous. The wind was fierce. There was no avoiding the sun. I don’t know how people who live in such climates year round do it. I give you tons of credit! To be honest, I haven’t run in extremely cold temps yet, so don’t know for sure. But at this point, I would definitely choose cold over that beach run!!

  121. October 27, 2010 10:18 am

    I live in Chicago so we get a bit of everything. I ran the marathon this year here and it was 85….people were dropping like flies! My slowest time to dat. I HATE hot weather!

    I traveled to Virginia Beach in March a few years back thinking that it would be a nice warm Half…..Gale Force winds and sleet/rain in 35 degree temps at the start. The rain stopped eventually but the winds didn’t and the temps never really came up …but still better than the 80’s!

    I would rather run in the snow than in the rain. I would rather run under cloudy skies than sun. I would rather run in the cold than the heat.

  122. October 27, 2010 10:26 am

    I can do sun-zero without too many complaints….rain is fine…..the one thing I struggle with is the one/two punch of heat and humidity. Chicago 2007 was my first and worst marathon-length outing thanks to the freakishly hot weather. Chicago 2010 was a close 2nd.

  123. Kate permalink
    October 27, 2010 10:26 am

    I definitely prefer to run in the fall when the temps aren’t too hot or cold. This year has been an especially mild fall in Michigan so I’ve gotten a lot of great running in. I would say the worst weather experience I’ve had was at a race last July when the temp was 95 and it had poured the night before. It was so hot and humid not to mention full of mud.

  124. October 27, 2010 10:28 am

    I live in Gunnison, Colorado where in the winter it can get to -25 and I run year around. I have run in the rain and the wind and the snow. My most “memorable” run was in the winter. It was suppose to be a long run. It started drizzling as soon as I started but I kept going because I needed those miles. Eventually it turned to mini snowballs. I had to stop at Wal-Mart to use the bathroom and I was covered in snow and I had ice on my eye lashes. I eventually made it home but I was covered with ice everywhere, eyelashes, hair – I looked like the abdominal snowman! Oh well – I took a hot shower and drank hot chocolate afterwards!

  125. October 27, 2010 10:29 am

    I can relate to heat. Eagleman (70.3 tri) 2010. 100+ temp, high noon, no shade and since it’s in Maryland in June, plenty of humidity. Ice down bra, under cap, in running shorts. I cried tears of sweat that day. Oh yeah and the swim course was long and the bike course was painfull (that will teach me to jackhammer concrete the weekend before a race).

    I. hate. heat.

  126. Kim permalink
    October 27, 2010 11:01 am

    Chicago Marathon 2007… Record heat day plus water stations were all out of water and Gatorade for majority of the race.

  127. October 27, 2010 11:04 am

    I ran in the snow barefoot last winter. Only a time or two but it was invigorating and depressing all at the same time hahaha!

    I plan to run barefoot in the snow again this year as well as tackle the cold lung issues that go with winter running. I am also looking into YakTrax for my minimal shoes when its icy out.

    I have much respect of those that run in extreme conditions.

    I totally want those boots!! I don’t have any boots right now that will hold up to the yucky Iowa winters.

  128. Tiffany permalink
    October 27, 2010 11:07 am

    I lived in D.C. during law school, and one day on a cold winter run, I slipped on the ice right in front of the Jefferson Memorial. I gathered myself, laughed a little, and ran all the way home with a hole in my sweats – embarrased but glad for a good story.

  129. October 27, 2010 11:12 am

    I think the worst weather was perhaps the day I tried to squeeze in a run with a tornado watch being announced on local news. While the actual weather was not bad (just gray skies and windy, no rain) I kept looking over my shoulder and around at the sky wondering if they could be correct in their forecast. They were not however and I finished the run (at a quicker pace than normal — perhpaps I was motivated by the weather or the high winds at my back helped wisk me home).

    those boots are fantastic! love them.

  130. Nancy permalink
    October 27, 2010 11:15 am

    Denver Marathon Late October 1996. Weather started out in the low 40’s, dry and good for a run. By mile 18 sleet had started to fall and by the end of the race it was a full blown blizzard.

  131. October 27, 2010 11:28 am

    three runs come to mind.

    the first is a half marathon in New Hampshire in February and it was located down near the ocean. The first few miles were ok, but then the wind picked up, snow started falling and it took me hours and hours to get home!

    second: my running partner and I ran in January or some other crazy wintery month here in New Hampshire and we realized our water had frozen and he had icicles hanging from his glasses

    3rd: my first marathon last fall…this time, the season wasn’t winter…close mid October and when the race started it was raining and again, bring the wind, the rain, the drop in temperature and as I was finishing SNOW! (later I learned that while the Patriots were playing, they had to PLOW the fields off they were getting so much snow)

    But, I’d take running in the cold over the extreme heat any day.

  132. October 27, 2010 11:35 am

    The worst weather ever is Houston during the summertime. Heat and humidity even in the morning! Ugh, hate it!!

  133. Katie permalink
    October 27, 2010 11:44 am

    Anything extreme is horrible. I ran in Costa Rica in the humid summer – yuck. I actually mostly walked as it was soooo humid. I also ran in 32*, which for me living in Los Angeles, is waaaaaaaaaay too cold! I realize that makes me a wimp for the cold, but it was more than I could take. Part of the problem when it gets that cold here is that I don’t have the proper clothes and that makes it miserable.

  134. October 27, 2010 11:50 am

    I prefer overcast and mid 60’s. I run at night to avoid the sun and wish all races would start after dusk!!!

  135. October 27, 2010 11:55 am

    growing up in a tropical country in Asia makes me love running in the cold here in the U.S. I just have so much more energy. If there’s rain, then it’s a plus! I love running in the rain. Makes me feel hardcore =)

  136. October 27, 2010 11:58 am

    We’ve had record highs down here in south Louisiana:(. The humidity is un-freaking-believable…my ideal run is in cold rain…

  137. runnerchic permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:00 pm

    Mine was just a couple weeks ago during my taper week before a half marathon. I opted for getting an extra hour of sleep instead of doing my 3 mile run at 5AM. This meant I would run after work while pushing my daughter in the jogging stroller. I didn’t think twice about it and thought 3 miles would be a breeze. Needless to say it happened to reach 86 degrees that day so pushing the jogging stroller in heat I wasn’t used to running in made 3 miles feel like 13. I was so discouraged and frustrated with myself. I will run in the cold over the heat any day!

  138. Adrienne permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:04 pm

    One day in the early summer this year I went out for a run knowing that a thunderstorm was coming our way. I was just going for a quick 3 miles, so I wasn’t concerned and I got a little cocky in thinking I could beat the storm out. But as I came down to the last mile heading towards my house the sky seemed to immediately turn black. It started pouring down at about .8 miles left to go and the lightening, thunder and wind were unbelievable and scary. I sprinted the rest of the way home (in my white shirt, bad decision #2 for this run!) and made it safely inside, completely soaked and only somewhat scarred for life. 🙂 Now, I like a good run in the rain, but no more thunderstorm runs for me!

  139. Lelia permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:04 pm

    I prefer running in the heat – hate cold weather. That’s why I live in Florida

  140. October 27, 2010 12:22 pm

    Well, I’m a new runner. I did my first 5k in September, and I’m hooked! I haven’t had a horrible weather experience (yet). BUT, I will say I love running in the crisp air, just cool enough for a shirt with sleeves. In the summer it is painfully humid and hot, and I am way more inspired in the fall.

  141. October 27, 2010 12:28 pm

    I am VERY thankful for our treadmill because I have yet to run in awful conditions. Yesterday here it was 40-50 MPH winds – no way I’m running in that. Today it’s the same, so it’s inside again.

    My favorite temperature would be about 65-70 with a light breeze…even a little cloudy would be nice.

  142. Susan permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:39 pm

    Worst: Hot Hot southern Alabama summer–in retrospect, not advisable to run in such weather but afraid to stop for the rumored alligators in the swamp (and being at least half Yankee, I believe such rumors). Best: cool, misty Portland mornings!

  143. October 27, 2010 12:42 pm

    After a cool summer in the PNW, mother nature decided to pull out 97 degrees for my 12 hour run in Olympia Wa this past August. It was still a fun race, but the heat was challenging. Not my preferred running weather.

  144. Terzah permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:48 pm

    I agree with Dimity about heat: hate it, would rather have sleet any day. But the *worst* run I ever had was a track workout in one of the hurricane-force winds that sometimes hits Boulder. I swear my calves were blowing sideways on the kick-back part of each stride. And while I got a lift each time it was at my back on one side of the track, running into it on the other side easily erased any advantage (plus, my ponytail kept getting stuck in my lip gloss on the at-my-back side). I had to bag the workout not even halfway through. Stupid wind. And I hear such times may be common this winter, with La Nina doing her thing down in the Pacific. Might be a lot of treadmill time for me!

  145. Katie Pace permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:51 pm

    Well, I’ve only been running since May and training for a half since August *but* my worst to date was what I considered my first real “long” run. It was 8 miles and I woke up to wind coming from every direction at about 35 mph and temps in the low 40’s. I hadn’t bought my first winter running clothes yet so I headed out in shorts and short sleeves. I was in tears by 4.5 and walked a bit in mile 6 (uphill) but I finished d@mn it!!!

  146. Kristen S permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:55 pm

    Training for my first 5k, I was out of town, in Pittsburgh in my Mother’s new neighborhood. Felt good running after the thunderstorm, had cooled about 15 degrees. Finally understood what it meant to hit your stride, gonna run a little bit more, down this street…what is that rain, better go…where am I… is that lightning…HAIL…WTF…ran like a mother to get back to mommy!!!!

  147. Rachel permalink
    October 27, 2010 12:57 pm

    This is a fun one! My worst weather run started out not too bad – it was just sprinkling a bit, and not too cold. I figured a little rain won’t hurt me, I don’t melt, right? (this is what I always tell my kids when they complain about the rain). So I get about 3 miles from home, and the skies opened up and it began to POUR. Not only was the rain falling in sheets, but it began to thunder/lightening and then HAIL. Yes, people, it was hailing and I was 3 miles from home. Needless to say I turned around and headed back. When I finally got home (making pretty good time!) I looked like a wet dog. My poor husband was about to come looking for me, but he didn’t want to wake the 3 sleeping kids to do so. I was completely soaked and it took 2 days to dry out my shoes!

  148. Jessica permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:12 pm

    I have luckily had fairly decient weather for the whole 4 races I have ever run. The first I ever did was a drizzely 10K. I am running the Walt Disney World Half Marathon in January, and I keep wondering what to expect of Florida weather for that time of year. I prefer road running to the ‘mill, so my training will get interesting when the late fall/winter weather of Wisconsin sets in. It will probably make Florida in January feel tropical! Any tips for running in cold weather would be greatly appreciated, since I’m a newbie!!

  149. Sarah B. permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:13 pm

    I’d much rather run in cold weather than in steamy temps. I’ve run in some crazy weather: sleet, hail, snow, thunderstorms, and huge wind storms. We lived on the coast of Ireland for a spell last year and I could watch the weather fronts line up off the coast and would try to time my runs for particular conditions. It was a good pacing tool (“I want to do my first three miles before THAT storm hits, but then I want to get to the long uphill stretch as THAT storm hits” – because nothing makes me feel like I’m in a music video like running up a tough hill in the pouring rain. Scariest weather situation I almost encountered was on a run in the early morning dark in major wind. I came inches close to running into a tangle of downed power lines. A combo of 6th sense and my headlamp saved me.

  150. lee permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:17 pm

    I’ve run in snow, hail, rain, winds up to 40+ mph, and hot humid days in upper 80’s. The key thing in most of those conditions is to run with someone else. when you’ve got a friend with you, it really doesn’t seem so bad. It’s almost fun.

  151. Andrea Lehman permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:20 pm

    5 degree wind chill, ice and snow on the sidewalks, snowing. Crazy fun!!! I love running in the cold crazy weather!

  152. Jules permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:21 pm

    This past August I had a 32km run (approx. 20 miles) planned while visiting my sister who lives in the prairies (Canada). The winds were gusting that day up to 60 km/hour! Now, I’ve run in the heat, the pouring rain, even a couple of hail storms, but running in that kind of wind brings a whole new meaning to resistance training….:)

  153. Kelly permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:29 pm

    I have done 2 1/2 marathons in bad weather. The first one was in Dec 2002 at Kiawah Island, SC. Normal weather for Dec in SC is a low of mid 50’s and a high of 70. This day it was about 35 and windy. Although I’m from WI and am used to the cold, I hadn’t packed enough warm weather running gear and froze my bootie off. Plus SC cold is a different kind of cold than WI cold. The 2nd bad weather race was in Seattle in Nov 2006. This was my 6 month post baby race, and I was really excited for it, until race day came. It was about 40 degrees, sleeting, and windy. I totally would have stayed in bed and kept on sleeping, but I was running with a friend who was doing his first 1/2 marathon, and I didn’t want to let him down. Luckily, the weather changed about 4 miles into the race and the wind died down and it stopped sleeting, but it still was a yucky day.

  154. Alison permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:39 pm

    I have had a lot of different weather for races, but like Dimity, I can’t stand the heat. While the rain/snow in Seattle wasn’t ideal I would take that any day over the 90+ temps in Chicaco. Seems like I have had a lot of hot races, I just don’t function well.

  155. ami permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:49 pm

    I actually prefer to run on a treadmill. But I do love a good ocean-side run in Key West with HOT weather.

  156. Alma permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:50 pm

    In 2005, I ran the Vancouver Marathon. On race morning, it was cloudy and we knew that there was a good chance of rain. Before the race, everyone met inside the sports stadium (I think they play soccer in there). Inside the dome, we were oblivious to the fact that it was now pouring down rain! We were mortified to immerge from the dome to find it raining cats and dogs! It was insane. The rain stayed almost the whole way through my run but it was nice enough to go away during the last two miles of the race. Nothing like running in soaking wet clothing the whole marathon!!! (I loved it!)

  157. Michelle permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:51 pm

    I usually prefer the cold weather, and although I’ve had a few bad hot weather runs, but worst was in a blizzard. I’m in Montana, so I’m used to running in snow, but this was extreme. My husband and I headed out for a 10 miler together (a rare treat:). We decided to do an out and back, and right when we turned around at the five mile mark, the snow started. It was a complete white-out. I was wearing a fleece and the wet sticky snow clung to it. By the time I got home, I must have had an extra ten pounds on me and looked like a running snowman! I just put my head down and ran. My husband’s favorite part of the story – an older couple in a nice big warm SUV pulled over…we thought they were going to ask us if we wanted a ride, but they really asked us for directions, and expected us to just stand out in the cold and relay the instructions. I guess they thought we were enjoying the blizzard, and in some ways…we were!

  158. Anitra permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:52 pm

    One very rare snowy morning in Texas (Yes I said Texas) I set out to run a 10 miler. (not properly dressed since it never snows here). The snow was pretty deep and it was really cold!! I was doing okay till I turned around to head home and the wind was blowing so hard I could hardly move. The snow was blowing in my face I literally could not see 2ft in front of me. I am pretty sure if anyone saw me they thought I was a lunatic. My family sure did when I walk in the door with a red chapped face.

  159. Kathy permalink
    October 27, 2010 1:53 pm

    The worst weather I have ever run in was the 2008 refridgee-eighter (8 km or 8 miles…get it?? LOL) race in Kitchener, Ontario.

    It was freezing rain, and the volunteers cut steps into snowbanks and formed a human railing so the racers could get up to the start, located on a “rails to trails” trail.

    At the start, there was a nasty chain reaction that resulted in at least a dozen runners sliding in various directions, on various body parts, none of which were their feet. Luckily noone was hurt!

    My friend and I ran it very slowly, with a goal of staying on our feet, and smiling at the finish, which we accomplished by running with one foot on the heavily salted and sanded road, and the other in the snowbank for traction.

    we were sore the next day, but we were laughing as we crossed the finish!

  160. October 27, 2010 2:01 pm

    Me and my track team from So Cal one year we headed to northern Utah for regionals. Needless to say our uniform booty shorts and sport bras were not conducive for sprinting when the high temps for that weekend never cracked into the 40s. It was an outdoor track. Brrrr!!!!

  161. October 27, 2010 2:17 pm

    I had two runs back-to-back last winter while training for the Goofy Challenge that were the most memorable.

    On Saturday, we ran 10 miles. It started out with a light rain and somewhat mild (for Dec.) temperatures, but then it got colder and turned to snow. Wet gloves were of no use, my hands were bright red and hurt! I had a cap on that started accumulating snow along the brim.

    The next day, we had 20 miles scheduled and ran on a paved trail. We figured there wasn’t much snow … but it was enough to turn the trail into an icy disaster! The first 10 miles were slow and cautious … but fortunately it all melted by the time we turned around!

  162. Jessica permalink
    October 27, 2010 2:18 pm

    How could I forget my first marathon in the pouring rain. As a runner of the 2007 Denver marathon I am glad to say I ran and completed my first marathon wet and cold even though EVERY long training run was sunny and perfect. I went to bed that night, after the weather forecast, thinking they’re never right. Even with the prediction of cold, rain and wind, I set out some shorts and a long sleeve shirt. My logic, gloves and tights will only get wet. I left the house with no waterproof jacket because I didn’t have one I wanted to dump (you know, for when the rain stopped). As race start time grew close I sadly began to realize, I’m gonna have to do 26.2 in the rain. So, I see people with bright yellow ponchos on and seek out where they got them. I run over to the Saturn booth and quickly register myself to win one. Not that I love Saturn, but that they had the coveted poncho. This, I figure, I can dump (you know, for when the rain stopped). When a friend of mine met me at mile 16 to finish the race, I had stepped in countless puddles, my skin was soaked and red and my friend barely recognized me in my flapping poncho. Rain is not going to stop.

    Yes, I have many memories of running in inclement weather. None compares to the accomplishment of my first marathon in the rain. Bring it on mother nature…nothing stops me 🙂

  163. October 27, 2010 2:24 pm

    It never used to bother me to run in hot weather (I actually tend to prefer hot over cold – I am always cold…) until 3 years ago. It was July ’07 and I was training for my first marathon. I decided to run an easy 5k race close to home for fun and to get into the racing spirit. The race started at 9am and it was HOT! I was fine until mile 2 – I had a partial seizure and the whole right side of my body went numb. I thought I was just dehydrated so I stopped a bit, got some water and decided I was strong enough to finish. I ended up winning my age division and ran sub-22 min! I was pretty happy with myself until I had to go to the ER later that day to find out I had a brain tumor and it needed to come out (hence the seizure). Long story short, I didn’t get to run the marathon, had surgery, recovered quickly and went back to running 4 weeks post-op. I stay out of extreme weather now and am still waiting to do my first marathon (hopefully next year!!)

  164. October 27, 2010 2:27 pm

    Wow, I have not endured near the extreme’s as you…makes me feel like quote the novice! Since I am newbie, I have only had to make it through 90 degree heat (but no humidity) and a 40 degree morning. To you that is probably down right perfect running weather. I have however found I really enjoy to orun in the rain!

  165. Emeliee permalink
    October 27, 2010 2:31 pm

    Maybe not “worst” weather, but the most unexpected…was a group run at the top of Millcreek Canyon in Salt Lake City in the middle of June. We expected hot and dry, but were hit by a sudden cloud burst tropical thunderstorm. The heat from the day combined with the intense sudden rain created an almost magical, mystical fog that covered the road up to your knees. It was a little confusing for your foot placement, but we didn’t mind the rain or the fog. It was truly a magical run, a run that made you say “THANK YOU” to whomever up there that you believe in and one that my RLAM friends and I still talk about a year later.

  166. October 27, 2010 2:47 pm

    Honestly I’ve never had to run in anything horrific. I’ve had my fair share of wet, windy, and cold runs, but that’s about it. Rain in Vancouver is a fact of life, but we’re lucky enough not to have to deal with massively cold or snowy conditions (I think the snow stuck for 1 day last year). So, my favourite time to run is this time of year. It’s cool, but comfortable. The sun sometimes shows itself. And the drizzle that is usually present actually keeps me from overheating. I always thought I’d be a fair-weather runner until I had to train in this past summer’s heat – now I remember why I like running in the fall. 🙂

  167. Lauren permalink
    October 27, 2010 2:51 pm

    When I lived in the Midwest, I ran in a lot of snow (which now living on the West Coast, I can’t imagine doing anymore!). And running the Run Like Hell Half last weekend, we got a lot of wind and rain, which was a little intense and made for some squishy shoes!

  168. Becky permalink
    October 27, 2010 2:56 pm

    I will take cold over hot any day! Last year I was having a pretty crappy run on a freezing day until I noticed that the Propel water (that I had purchased about 10-15 minutes earlier) had turned to slush in the bottle as I was carrying it. It totally cracked me up and gave me something to laugh about (and a reason to feel like a badass) the rest of my run!

  169. October 27, 2010 3:12 pm

    The worst weather condition I’ve ever ran in:

    The weather really was typical for the state of Washington, but many factors intensified the fact that it was POURING RAIN.

    My second marathon, ran in 2009. My first marathon was long and hard and painful, but I thought I was ready for my second. I didn’t really realize my training hadn’t gone so well UNTIL I was running the marathon…OOPS, a little too late. The race took place in a teeny tiny town with about 20-30 people running the marathon. The day started out cold and drizzly and quickly turned to POURING and freezing (December). Not only was I not conditioned for the race, but there was no crowd to run with and I drove myself to the race…so NO support to encourage me either. I ended up running about 18 miles completely by myself with no one around (one hydration stop and no porta potties). My shoes were sopping wet. My clothes were sopping wet. My bones were frozen and I couldn’t go any faster. The rain poured for the ENTIRE 6 hours it took me to run the race! It sucked the energy and enthusiasm out of me! And to top it all off… time never got entered on the race website because it closed after 6 hours….guess I came in at 6:01….:( Made it a HORRIBLE day!

  170. October 27, 2010 3:13 pm

    I live in Kentucky and although we get a little big of all kinds of weather here I can’t specifically think of one particularly horrid occassion.

    Earlier in my running life I loved to run when it was hot and shuddered at thinking about running in below 50 degree temps. As time has gone on I now would much rather run in 30 degree weather than 85! It’s all about wearing the right thing for me and a couple winters ago I finally found out that if I wear something over my ears AND sun glasses it keeps my nose from running so much….that to me is the worst part of running in the cold, the nonstop nasal drip!!!

  171. Danielle permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:02 pm

    I haven’t been running long enough to have any really good weather-war-stories, but this year’s Portland Marathon was definitely the worst I’ve run in. Rain, rain, rain…and not normal Portland rain…you know, you were there! 🙂

  172. October 27, 2010 4:25 pm

    My fourth of july 10k this year, hands down. It was a start time of 9 a.m. in JULY. Not pretty. I pretty much wet myself the entire race in addition to the dehydration and nearly overheating. It was nuts. And my time reflects it. Lesson learned. Summer races starting at 9 in the morning are not my friend.

  173. October 27, 2010 4:32 pm

    The scariest weather I’ve run in? I haven’t run enough miles to have a, well, run-in, with bad weather yet. A swimmer at heart, I’m still trying to find my running groove. I did however bike the 42 mile Bike New York 2 years ago in a downpour. The downpour started before I did and never stopped. I didn’t have any major falls but saw one person after he wrecked against a median on the east side highway (or whatever it’s called) who was badly hurt and wildly shaking taken out by a stretcher. Not pretty. I witnessed at least a dozen falls that morning because of the rain. Rain plus a mass start on a ride with riders of varying skills was not a good combination that day.

  174. Amanda permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:44 pm

    It was so cold on one long run that my room temp water froze in the squirt bottles.

  175. JenericFN permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:50 pm

    Not nearly as extreme as many, my worst was the Denver Half Marathon in 2007. 43 degrees and raining, if I had the right clothing it would have been great!

  176. Jackie permalink
    October 27, 2010 4:52 pm

    I ran my first ever 10 mile run in a downpour. Buckets & buckets of rain.
    The only other worst one I’ve done is at 5 am in a thunder storm. There was going to be no other chance to get the long run in that weekend (I don’t remember how far – more than 10 miles), and my husband was worried sick about me the entire time.

  177. October 27, 2010 5:05 pm

    i suppose i’d take heat over cold… but that feels crazy right now while i’m enjoying my long sleeved t-shirts. i just really hate having icicles on my eyelashes & frozen snot.
    scariest weather circumstances also happened in the cold- the streets had completely iced over, which made running not just dangerous, but also stupid. on top of that, the drivers had all gone completely insane & were slamming on brakes & sliding inches away from me. not such a good run!
    (mostly, i just really want some keens! those boots are SO cute!)

  178. Ruthie permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:14 pm

    Crisp fall is my favorite season. I’m terrified of lightening storms so any race that suggestions a flash makes me want to pee my pants and run fast.

  179. Judy permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:18 pm

    When you run in the heat, you are generally hot the whole time. When you run in the cold, it tends to get better, as you get warmer, the longer you run. Therefore, I would prefer a long run on a cold day.

  180. Christy permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:25 pm

    I went out for a “quickie” run last summer and about 1/2 mile into it started blowing, raining…but I though I could finish the short 2 mile run before the black clouds that were forming could get to me. SO WRONG. I am no longer fast I have found, because a 1/2 mile after that it was hailing and blowing so hard I could hardly stay on the road. I had to lie down in the ditch to avoid the wind and ride out the hail. At least it was summer! My husband freaked out and jumped in the car to try to get me, but alas, he went the wrong direction. When I finally got home I was soaked and exhausted! I hadn’t run that hard or fast in a LONG time and hopefully won’t again! But besides that I really dread the wind. I hate it with every fiber of my body…too bad we live in a wind tunnel here in OH.

  181. October 27, 2010 6:27 pm

    A half marathon on Thanksgiving day in the pouring rain. POURING. Buckets. Sloshy shoes that felt like they weighed 10 pounds each, and capris that were saggy in the race picture because of the rain.

    I chafed pretty badly, but my friend who I was running with (it was her first half marathon, and if it wasn’t her first and I hadn’t said I would run it with her I would have BAILED) had blood running down her back because of chafing from her bra. I am a GREAT friend and didn’t tell her until the end. It makes a good story now, but NEVER AGAIN.

  182. Karen permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:28 pm

    I just hate the wind! My wimpy ears just hurt if it is even a little windy. We (my local girl tribe) were training this summer and we just knew that a storm was a ‘brewin. So we ran a route that was close to our cars. On our second lap we really knew we were in for it. So like hardcores, we keep on running, then the temperature just dropped. I turned around to the others and I can SEE the rain coming and of course we were the furthest away that we could be. Needless to say we had a blast; lightning, thunder and all. We were soaked, but still laughing. Thanks girls for the great run.

  183. Lori permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:37 pm

    I’ve never run in a real extreme weather condition. If it’s windy, too cold, raining too much (a little rain is okay), too hot, or snow on the ground, I go to the gym and run on the treadmill (which I hate). Otherwise, I would rather run outside!!

  184. Carla O. permalink
    October 27, 2010 6:43 pm

    I think my worst weather run so far was a 5K where the temperature was above 95, it was 100% humidity, and the course didn’t have a lot of shade. I was NOT impressed that day!

  185. Ruth Lehmann permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:14 pm

    I ran yesterday in 40-70 mph winds and it was one of the best runs I have ever had. Here in the Midwest we have had the windiest past 48 hours starting yesterday AM and running through today. Yesterday AM there was even a tornado that torn open a CASE factory and threw the Walmart sign in a twon tht is just a few miles from my home and where I was running in the evening. I was a little worried that I might just be lifted off the ground like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ as my first two miles with the wind pushing me I ran sub 8 minute miles and then fought with the wind for the next two and a half but kept a good 9:30-10 pace and then flew the last mile again sub 8. It was amazing and I was so pumped that I ran with and against the wind and I conquered. Also running in Wisconsin in the winter has proved brutal as the icicles form on my eyelashes while out for long runs needed for marathon buildup and upon completion looking like I had been kissed by Old Man Winter because there is such a build up of snowflakes with sweat and tears mixed in. My best friend and I have run many a night in all types of weather. LOVE running in the rain and in thunderstorms. We always say, this run is going in “the book”. Another one of my best runs was my first marathon in 2007 in Milwaukee the same day as Chicago that was so brutally hot for October that Chicago ended up in complete metldown. But I RAN my first marathon and was very happy with 4:10. Can’t let the weather stop u. WE run rain or shine. P.S. I NEED those boots. Please pick me, lol. Love following you, marathon moms and am so inspired! Keep up the good work.

  186. Sarah K. permalink
    October 27, 2010 7:58 pm

    I definitely prefer the cold! Thank goodness because I live in Northern Minnesota. My best run was with my good friend Ann, -10, trail run. The snow was packed and firm. The air cold and crisp. A few times we had to stop because the sweat streaming down my face froze on my eyelashes causing my eyes to freeze shut! A warm hand fixed the problem and we were off again. We had our first snow today, more to come!

  187. Petra permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:30 pm

    October 2007, Denver Colorado. 17 mile run three weeks before Ironman Florida. Major nerves at this point. Every step counts, right? Must get in every workout. I leave my house at 6 a.m. It’s overcast, cold, threatening. A half mile out it’s misting. Two miles out it’s raining, no…sleeting, and there’s lightening over the lake to my left. I’m thinking, “This is not smart”. Three miles out it’s snowing and lightening. I’m thinking, “This is really stupid.” Three and half miles out I’m crouched beside a fence, as thunder roars overhead and snow flies, trying to stay out of the wind thinking, “This is MoNa’s way of telling me I need a day of rest more than I need a long run.” Good idea. 17 miles becomes 7. I thaw on the couch and head to Florida three weeks later for one of the most fun days ever!!

  188. Lauren M permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:37 pm

    July/August in Georgia is the worst weather ever. 98 with 100% humidity at 8pm I lost 5 lbs. marathon training from all the sauna running.

  189. Kelly permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:38 pm

    Last winter in Western Pennsylvania was pretty rough. I was training for a half marathon after the birth of my second child. I needed to run to keep my momentum (and weight loss) going. I tried a few days on the treadmill, but after watching all of A&E’s Pride and Prejudice on DVD I had had enough. I ventured out in the middle of the day…with all of the sled-toting kids off from school. I pushed my three month old baby wearing a snowsuit in my Ironman stroller covered in the snow shield. I had to run in the middle of the road since snow was piled super high. Also, many of the neighbors forgot to remove their vehicles from the side of the road leaving tracks of slush and ice. I kept getting stuck; my shoes got soaked; people yelled at me for having my baby out (who, by the way, was close to overheating). I made it almost 3 miles but it was the hardest 3 miles I’ve ever run! At least I didn’t get frostbite… bring on the snow.

  190. Denise Hubbard permalink
    October 27, 2010 8:42 pm

    Well, I just started running outside in May so I have no experience in cold yet, BUT since I prefer cold weather over hot in general, I’m gonna assume I’ll prefer running in cold weather. I’m in west Texas though, so we don’t have very harsh winters at all.

  191. Julie Fredericks permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:14 pm

    I love the cold- can’t stand the heat, but cold and windy makes it hard for me to get out. At least with heat you can head out super early to avoid most of it.

  192. MollyH permalink
    October 27, 2010 9:16 pm

    I was training for my first marathon in the summer of ’95. I was living in Portland OR so the heat was not an issue. But when I went to visit family in Florida for an extended period, it was challenging. I had to do a 20 mile run in a place where the daily LOW would be about 72, with 90+% humidity. SO, I got up one morning at 5 to take advantage of the “cool” part of the day. I ran for about 2 hours and then it started to thunderstorm. At first it was nice–a bit of a cool-off. Then it poured harder and harder until my shoes were basically 2-pounds a piece, the sloshiest things ever. I called my mom at about mile 15 (collect! From a payphone!) and begged her to come rescue me. This was 15 years ago but (obviously!) it’s still traumatically fresh in my mind.
    I’ll take Portland chilly drizzle over that any day.

  193. October 28, 2010 5:13 am

    On our longest training run – 12 miles – for the inaugural See Jane Run half in Alameda, CA, an amazing group of women sets out for what should be a typical Bay Area Run: perpetually 60 degrees, slightly overcast, perfect running weather. About halfway through, another Bay Area phenomenon strikes: rain. Lots and lots of rain. Soaking you to the core rain. By the end of the run we are WET, but damn if that wasn’t the most fulfilling run of my then short running career, surviving my longest distance to date as wet as a sopping washcloth. No matter how much I complain, I’ve secretly always loved running in the rain since then!

  194. October 28, 2010 6:03 am

    I ran the Disney half this past January. It was the coldest day in Orlando history–19 degress at 4 am when my sister and I got to the “holding corral”. By the time the race started at 6, it was 22 with freezing rain. After standing around for over 2 hours waiting to start, my feet were so frozen, it took 3 miles to thaw them out. I would be embarassed by my 2:52 finish time, but I was so happy to even FINISH that race! I cannot run outside in temperatures that cold!!!!

    • Jessica permalink
      October 28, 2010 8:03 am

      Oh noooo! I am going to run the Disney World half this January and it will be my very first half marathon. I’ll be training in cold, but I hope the weather you had doesn’t repeat itself for this one. I have to say, I would be VERY happy with the time you came in at! You finished and this is what matters:) You Rock, mamma!

  195. Laurie Allin permalink
    October 28, 2010 6:26 am

    I had two extremes this summer doing the Mile Hi Duathlon series – the June race was in the pouring rain, the run portion, partially on a dirt road through a pasture was a sloppy slippy muddy mess. Just a steady light rain on the bike, and as my girlfriend and I are about to head out on the 2nd run the skys just opened up with a torrential ran right as we passed race headquarters which was indoors and we just looked at each other and called it. Our only DNF’s and we’re good with that. It was just miserable.

    Then the July race was 100 degrees and no a stick of shade on the entire course, everyone was dumping water on their heads. When I was headed back on the bike portion I could see the elites out on their run and a lot of them were walking. It was horrible, but in hindsight I’d rather race in the rain.

    Ideally I’ll take the cold anyday over the heat!

  196. Atha permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:15 am

    My worst weather run was a recent 12 miler in preparation for my last half. I started out at 6 AM after checking the weather. I felt like I had at least a few hours before any light rain hit. I started out strong and the first 9-10 miles were amazing, some of my best. Then it started raining hard so I stopped at a local store. Within no time the bottom fell out! It was one of the worst thunderstorms we have had all year! I tried calling my husbands cell (at least 10 times!), my friend, and any other # I could remember. Finally after almost 2 hours, it let up. I ran the last 2 miles back to my van and dried off as best I could. I sat in my van and cried! After I got it all out I went home, yelled at the hubby, then made him take me to brunch where I drowned my sorrows with Mimosas!

  197. Anna permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:19 am

    I’m a Minnesotan and I about died seeing you run down that snow covered mountain! I am a wimp and I only run in decent weather. No cold rain or hail, nothing above 90 degrees. It’s real incentive to get out of bed in the morning in the summer to beat the heat! Otherwise it’s the boring old treadmill or splurging and doing something fun like Zumba! And those boots are adorable!!

  198. October 28, 2010 7:36 am

    I live in Southern California and have only been running since January, so Mother Nature has yet to ruin too many runs for me. I’m not a fan of running when it’s hot and super sunny though, especially being pregnant. Most of my summer running got sent indoors to the dreadmill. My favorite weather would be cold enough to wear long sleeves so I have something to wipe my nose on! 🙂

  199. Cori permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:37 am

    I pretty much always prefer to run in the cold instead of the heat…I just suffer in the heat. But my favourite favourite favourite weather to run in is in the cool that follows the rain. No overheating. My glasses don’t fog up or get splattered with rain drops. There are lovely small puddles to jump in if the mood strikes me. It is just peaceful and happy running weather for me 🙂

  200. October 28, 2010 7:38 am

    My very first race after I started to run. It was the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle in March of 2009. A few days before we had great weather. I was running outside in 60 degree weather. The night before it started snowing at 3am. It turned into a rain as it got warmer. We had parked about 6 blocks from the starting area. By the time we got near it my feet were already soaked along with my pants. We stood in about 5 inches of slush waiting for the crowds to get past the starting line. Running my first race in the slush, rain and cold was not how I envisioned a race I watched in warm temperatures a few years earlier. The weather almost repeated itself this year. It was cold and windy this year. My friends think I need to stop signing up for it so it can go back to being nice weather! LOL.

  201. October 28, 2010 7:39 am

    Worst weather 6 inches of snow/ice in sub-freezing temps.

  202. Kara permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:41 am

    i love to run in a light rain in the hot summer months. worst was getting caught in a huge thunderstorm at the beach that included a mini tornado and water spout within 10 yards of us! The water stood about 5 inches deep on the roads and we were basically swimming to get back home!
    PS – i LOVE the Keen Bern Baby Bern boots…have been eyeing them for months!

  203. Kim permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:42 am

    I live in Tucson. The worst (so far since I just began running this year) is the heat. I like to run in the afternoon… just can’t seem to get up early and run well early .. so most of my runs this summer was in 100+ temps. Trying to juggle running with drinking is not fun. Plus I turn bright red when running. I know I looked like death on feet most of the summer.

  204. October 28, 2010 7:44 am

    I’m lucky to live in Northern CA so no extreme weather here. I do love a cloudy, cool day for running, maybe even a little rain sprinkle. Those Keen boots are super cute!!!

  205. October 28, 2010 7:46 am

    I’m still new to running so I haven’t hit the hard conditions yet. I will say that I far prefer crisp, cool air to hot, humid air. I found myself choosing the treadmill over the pavement many time this summer.

  206. Jen L. permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:46 am

    I HATE, HATE, heat. Give me anything other than the sun beating down and hot temperatures!

  207. Carol permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:51 am

    My very first 5k was in early April in CNY….
    It was that lovely mix of snow sleet and freezing rain that is a local specialty. As I was running with my two girlfriends, I thought about how lovely they looked as bridesmaids on my wedding day, and how unbelievably cold and wet we were that morning! It was 38 degrees, and it was something else. One of the race organizers was trying to get me to put my kids in the kids race – one lap around the building: ‘they’ll get a medal!’. No way was I sending them out in that mess! But myself? Sure!

  208. Amy Peterman permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:52 am

    Probably the worst weather I have run in was a week ago along the Little Traverse Bay here in Michigan. It was super windy and very cold. I’m sure many people have ran in worse weather than this, but challenging weather is new to me. I’ve always been a fair weather runner. I decided though, that this year I WILL run through the winter. I fact I just ordered some winter running clothes! I mean business! 🙂 I think that run last week along the bay was probably one of my favorite runs too. I love the moodiness of lake Michigan on a windy, overcast day. Beautiful!

  209. Agi permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:55 am

    A few years back I was staying with a friend who lived in the country. My friend had left to run errands and I decided to go for a run. It was cold and snow was drifting everywhere. Open roads and fields everywhere and I could bearly stay on the shoulder of the road without being pushed by the strong winds. When I returned to my friends’ house, I was locked out of the house. I waited for over 2 hours in the cold until my friend returned. By then, I was shivering from the sweat and cold weather. I ended up with bronchitis and bad cold when said and done but certainly feel much stronger to endure the elements.

  210. Heather Smith permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:56 am

    Getting lost in the fog-filled woods in the freezing cold, pouring down rain – I thought I could meet up with my group since I was running late – this was in the middle of the day and I only had 2 hours to run (during kids’ school time). So SCARY! There were no people anywhere and it took me over 2 hours to get out and run 3 MORE miles to my car (this is after a good 10-11 mile run). Did I mention the sideways, freezing rain and thick fog? Ugh. My kids were crying, I was crying. Oh, yeah, I had no phone or watch with me since (read above) I was covinced I could find my running group. Whateva. Lesson learned there. Never again ALONE! Sheesh!

  211. Heather permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:59 am

    I’m a newbie, so I haven’ t run through much cold weather, yet, but I did run a 5k XC “friendly” between my running group and the local HS XC team back in August(?) when it was about 98 degrees and humid. Can we say “Max HR”?

  212. October 28, 2010 7:59 am

    Picture this…Trained for 5 months through the harsh New England winter in temps lower than 15 degrees, snow, wind, ice, you name it. The big day arrives…The Boston Marathon. My first marathon ever and I couldn’t be more excited except there is an enormous NorEaster is bearing down on Massachusetts…high winds, pouring rain, temps around 30 degrees…gotta love New England in the Spring. You never know what will happen! I began the race with literally a plastic suit on…plastic pants and plastic jacket (talk about not a breathable fabric!) and a shower cap covering my hat! I finished…slower than I wanted and the rain stopped eventually. I was happy to put on my fleece after since it was about 30 degrees at the finish. I proved to myself that no matter the weather the race must go on and no matter what obstacle is in front of me I can conquer it because I finished The Boston Marathon during a Noreaster!

  213. October 28, 2010 8:00 am

    It seems like every race I’ve ever done has been in the rain. I have an unreasonable mental block about cold, windy days, especially since I live in Seattle- it’s pretty much baseline for 8 months of the year. The good news is that, while I don’t really fear it, I just can’t run in true heat (over 80), and we don’t get much of that around here at all.

    My very favorite running weather is rare around here too- cold and sunny. My best run memory ever was meeting RP at a local coffee shop, layered to the hilt, on a day that was 15 degrees when we started. The patrons were talking about us like we were nuts, but it was glorious out there until we stopped and our hair peeking out below our hats froze. I chronically over dress, so this weather prevents me from getting hot, and it’s just so darn pretty!

  214. October 28, 2010 8:03 am

    I lived in Denver and I was training for my first marathon. I had to run 8 miles but it had snowed like crazy the day before and all through the night. When I woke up there was no way I was running on a treadmill so I bundled up and headed out. A mile into the snow plow came up behind me and as he passed me the entire left side of my body was caked with wet packed snow. It sucked. I have also run at 6 am when it has been below zero. burrr.

  215. October 28, 2010 8:13 am

    I don’t have any horrible weather stories to share just yet (I would say unfortunately, but I actually want one for some street cred!)… I’m just starting out so I’ll get there!

    I prefer running in colder, overcast weather…so I’m loving this running season in Northern Cal…welcome change from 100+ temps.

  216. Jocelyn permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:14 am

    When I started running, I said I’d never run in the rain. Never say never, I guess. Did a 9-mile training run over the summer in an early morning thunderstorm. I always leave my route map up on the computer when I’m out for a long run. About a mile into my run, the storm rolled in and the rain came down in buckets. I was already out, so I just kept going! Meanwhile, the strength of the storm worried my husband enough to drive out and find me. Sweet, but I let him go home alone, and I finished my run. By the time I was done, the rain had stopped. Go figure. My shoes were sopped (no blisters!), my iPod was dry (a miracle), and I felt great. That’s my worst… so far. I’m facing my first Minnesota winter as a runner!

  217. October 28, 2010 8:15 am

    Last winter 4 friends and myself met for a 4 mile trail run. It was sprinkling and cold. Before 1 mile into it, the wind came up and the damp morning turned into an ice storm and temps dropped to 17 degrees. Not being runners to let anything stop us, we kept on our way up these steep switchbacks with the ice feeling like sand on our faces. Great run and one of my favorites ever.
    The drive home on the slick roads, less desirable.

  218. Rachel permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:20 am

    I was training for my first marathon (Disney) in 2002. I hosted a breakfast running party to I could have company for my 18 mile run. Each person would run a comfortable distance with me. Then we would swing past my house to pickup a new runner and the first runner would have breakfast in my house. This worked great. Except the day of the run it was 18 degrees with flurries. My friends had a wonderful time. I got frostbite on my bottom.

  219. Melissa permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:20 am

    A chilly, minus-something temperature, windy… very windy, fresh snow on the ground, 5am Colorado morning run with my BF. Towards the end of our 5 mile run, the fronts of our bodies were so numb, we turned around and walked backwards for a while. My running partner turned and looked at me and started laughing. I had developed ice crystal lamb chops on my face. I can only imagine the scene out a neighboring window.

  220. Marianne Hopewell permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:23 am

    I love to run on a crisp, cool fall day with a brilliant blue sky (or twinkling morning stars giving way to the sun) overhead. But I’ll run in almost any weather. One of my all-time “bad” weather runs was near the beginning of an expected huge snowfall. We had several inches already and it was coming down in huge flakes. I went out complete with bright yellow cap to be highly visible and was able to run right down the middle of many streets that I normally had to run on the very edge of the shoulder. I had the whole world all to myself it seemed! It was truly beautiful, peaceful and joyful.

  221. Alyssa Brigandi permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:24 am

    My FAVORITE weather to run in is snow! I love the serene feeling I have while running through snow laden trees, snow flakes kissing my face and hearing nothing but my breath as I run.

  222. Lara permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:28 am

    I recently finished training and running my first marathon (Portland, OR). I looked for you SBS! Anyhow, started training in April and amazingly had fantastic weather all through the Spring and Summer. Barely any rain and the heat wasn’t all that bad. I think I got spoiled because we took a family vacation in August to Maui, HI and I thought running there would be glorious! Wrong. It was, hands down, the worst run of my entire training. It wasn’t even that hot since I left the house at 7:30am. According to my program I was supposed to do 17 miles. I talked myself down to 14 miles but when I hit mile 13 and ran past my house I just couldn’t go on. I usually can do another mile. I mean, anyone can do anything for 9 minutes, right? The humidity just killed me. Plus the route was just gross. My fave weather to run in is 60 degrees and sunny or even a light sprinkle of rain to keep my cool. I’ve been thinking about the gear I need to purchase to get me through training this winter. I am going to do either Eugene 2011 or Vancouver, WA 2011 and will need to train right through the cold, dark Portland Winter. Plus, I hate the ‘mill.

  223. October 28, 2010 8:43 am

    I have three:

    No. 1—Chicago Marathon, 2007. I know, I know: everyone knows how hard and horrible this day was. Too too hot. But I was already dehydrated before the race (was in the hospital 3 weeks earlier for food poisoning and dehydration), and by mile 8, I had stopped sweating. I made the decision at mile 15 to leave the course, long before they ‘called’ the race. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, but I am glad I stopped then. That day was like the seventh circle of hell for me, physically and emotionally. It was like taking everything you go through in a marathon—joy, pain, physical hardship, self-doubt—and magnifying those things 100x.

    No. 2—This last winter, one of my best friends and favorite running partners (isn’t that great how that works?) and I ran in 10* Chicago weather. It was beyond icy cold; our fingertips were numb when we got out of the car; we giggled as we ran. A lot. By the time we warmed up a little, we were okay. We just couldn’t have any skin exposed. We just ran 6 miles, but they were such memorable miles!!

    No. 3—This past winter, again, I ran 8 miles with two other running partners. The Chicago lakefront path is amazing—long and winding, gorgeous views; we typically start at Foster Avenue Beach and run south, turning around and coming back up. On this particular day, it was windy (of course) and cold, and the rain/snow started to come down after about 3 miles. When we turned around at 4 miles, it was as if we were running INTO a gale force wind. The icy raindrops were little, sharp pellets, shooting our eyes. We just ran the last 4 miles, gritting it out; afterwards, we decided that our little running group should be called the Warriors. Because that’s what we are.

  224. October 28, 2010 8:44 am

    In WA State, we runners often run in the rain, but it’s the worst in the winter when it’s in the upper 30’s or 40’s and dumping buckets of cold rain. I hate it! Now a nice spring morning when the sun makes an appearance (probably followed by copious amounts of rain) and it’s not too hot or cold – that’s heaven!

  225. Carmelita permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:47 am

    The heat. I decided that an 11 am run in August in South Texas was a good idea. I got too far from home and had to sit in the shade in 95 degree humidity with water until the headache went away and I could limp home. Ugh.

  226. October 28, 2010 8:52 am

    Worst race weather ever, was my very first race. A 10k in December in normally mild Richland. It was 5 degrees with a wind chill of negative 2. It had snowed three days before, and they had plowed, but in plowing they turned it into a skating rink. I was so cold I just wanted to be done as soon as possible, running a 52:02 (a PR that stood for over a year). I got mild frostbite on two little toes. I absolutely hate being cold.
    I run outside year round, and I’ve learned to deal with winter weather. I have finally decided that if it is below 10 degrees, it is worth a trip to the dreaded treadmill because feeling your contacts freeze on your eyeballs is not something I would recommend!

  227. Gloria permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:53 am

    Two years ago, training for my first half marathon, I had the worst 12 miler ever! I drove into town (about 25 minutes away) to run on the bike paths in Eugene, OR. My run started off cold but sunny. Within the span of 1:50 I had rain, sleet, hail, snow, moments of sun, and driving wind making all the percipitation sideways. The weather changed every 5-10 minutes. The best part was finishing it the worst part was having to drive home soaking wet and chilled to the bone!

  228. October 28, 2010 8:53 am

    I love running on cold, crisp fall days. =)

  229. Alison permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:07 am

    I think the worst weather I have ever run in was when a friend and I decided to head out on a weekday run and were hit by a big squall. Thunder, lightning, hail, pouring rain, flooding…. We started to wonder if we should head in when we saw people come out on to their porches and yell at us to get under cover! But it was a scheduled training day and we really wanted to get our miles in. 🙂

  230. October 28, 2010 9:07 am

    I’ve ran in some pretty cold temps where my lungs felt like they were freezing every time I inhaled but the fiercest weather I’ve ran in was in a downpour with high winds. I felt like I was barely moving and the rain drops were more like pellets piercing my face.

    Like Dimity, I prefer to run in the rain rather than the hot sun. But, I love running so much that I will do it either way….sweating a lot always makes me feel more accomplished. Being sopping wet makes me feel hardcore. 🙂

  231. Chris permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:15 am

    A little rain, which was a big deal to me at the time. Not near the bad a$$ runner a lot of you gals are…. Oh well, I was proid of myself for doing it — ha!

  232. Carri Schmidt permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:17 am

    The worst weather? Hands down had to be the Shamrock Run 2009. I had never run this race before and was just starting out running. I knew I could do the 5K, but something inside me said it was time to push myself and see what my feet, body and mind could do. So, I signed up for the 8K by myself never having run more than 4 miles in my life. That morning (starting at about 2 AM, see I was AWAKE!!! due to nerves!) it started to rain, no wait – not just rain, it was pouring….beyond belief. But, 6 AM, I got out of bed, had my banana and peanut butter toast and coffee (since it was my first bigger run, it was also the start of my “what should I eat before a run” phase). I headed downtown and parked. Met my sister and her group of amazing friends who were decked out and ready to run the 15K – and then, it was time for me to line up. The race began, it was WET….puddles were unavoidable, which is not good on Old Town Portland streets. I had on my awesome LUCY running hat and just kept my head down. My iPod was dry and kept me going…I never stopped, I kept on going – in part I think because I just wanted to get out of the rain! By the time I rounded the corner on Barbur to head back down Nato Pkwy, My shoes were so wet, I knew I had blisters on my arch AND I was convinced that my feet were bleeding. I couldn’t look down…but then, I crossed the finish line! Good thing there was rain because I had tears of joy! I had never felt such awesome emotion before. My husband and son, who’d cheered me on the last 1/4 mile met me with a dry coat, dry shirt and dry shoes!!! That morning, in the absolute downpour I’d been in for 51 minutes (not too bad for a start!) I discovered that it didn’t matter what nature threw at me – I was a runner!!! Oh, and also – I needed to find better socks!

  233. Lisa permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:18 am

    I have run on more snow and ice than I would like to remember. It was the worst running conditions in the winters while I was in the Army stationed at Fort Drum, NY. We would run formation runs during blizzard-like conditions. The base never liked to scrap all of the snow and ice off the roads, so there was always a layer of re-frozen snow and ice under the newly fallen snow. Never fun!

  234. Lisa permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:23 am

    Same race, two different years. The first was in about 1994 (I think) with my sister. We were running the St. Paul Frozen Half Marathon (yes, in January, in Minnesota!). It was about 20 degrees and snowing sideways and had been for hours before the race started. We started the race with shin-high snow and that’s what we ran in. After we finished, we found out that they stopped the race. It was brutal. The second was in 2007. The temperature at the START that year was 19 degrees. At the finish, it was 9 degrees. And WINDY. It was the most miserable race, I wanted to walk, but kept running because I wanted to get out of the cold. That said, I really like running in winter in MN. As long as there is no wind and the paths are clear. 🙂

  235. Jolene permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:23 am

    I was born and raised in Canada and when I went to nursing school I went to school in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Lets say the winter there is not so much fun!! I did one run, that I remember well, in -40 degree celcius weather and a good 9 feet of snow around me. I ran on the plowed roads where I could and kept thinking one of those snow hills would come toppling down. It was also during a slight blizzard, so I had snow blowing in my face. I ran 8 miles that day and turned back. Wanted to see if I could beat the elements, but knew I had gone for as long as I could when my poor toes started burning. I ran that day in not running shoes, but my Columbia hiking boots which gave me better grip on the roads and kept my toes warmer longer. LOL!! I had even thought about trying to run in snowshoes to get a real workout. LOL!! I was bundled from head to toe in winter clothing and when I came home I was drenched in sweat and my poor toes were on fire. Definitely hit a warm bath and relaxed.

  236. Henriettae permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:29 am

    Worst weather to run in: heat! I ran a charity 5K in San Antonio, TX this summer, and even though it was very early in the day, it was hot and sweaty!! I prefer coolish weather!

  237. Erin permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:37 am

    Living in the desert, it’s anytime in the summer. I have tried late at night and early in the am. It is “take your breath away” HOT. I also know “take your beath away” cold. I grew up in WI, slipping on ice is never fun. That was before the cell phone, so getting hurt was real and scary! However, falling into a cactus has put me in the ER!

  238. Holly S. permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:44 am

    I’ve run in all kinds of weather, because I don’t like running indoors. On two long runs this summer, I was soaked to the skin, wringing out shirt and dumping out shoes, but it warm enough to not be really awful. Last winter, on a half marathon training run, the only other person who showed up was my co-leader, and we ran into the wind, with tiny shards of ice pelting our faces. We actually ran with our hands over our faces after a while. I can’t say these were that bad, though, as heat and humidity are the worst to me (maybe I need to train for a marathon that’s NOT in the fall). I think any run is better than no run at all.

  239. Lori Bondy permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:45 am

    I like cold wheather running. I just ‘run’ too hot in general. Just not thrilled about sleet in my face. 🙂

  240. molly permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:51 am

    I’ve trained for 3 half marathons in Denver. I’ve put up with everything that Mother Nature has thrown at me. My girls and I wake up to run at 5:15 in the morning so it’s either the perfect temp (summer/spring – not to hot/not too cold) or frigid (fall/winter – frigid like today!). I thought I was pretty well prepared until I ran the Pittsburgh Marathon Relay on my birthday this year (persueded by my sister & bro-in-law). I had the second leg of the race and about an hour after getting to my starting point it started DOWNPOURING. It was cold and MISERABLY wet – as a zillion runners tried to find cover near while waiting for the first-leggers to tag us. Made for a very soggy birthday and 1st relay experience.

  241. Gigi permalink
    October 28, 2010 9:53 am

    I hate running in himidity but love running in the rain. However, the rain and hail during this year’s Tokyo Marathon was something else.

  242. October 28, 2010 9:55 am

    I went out for a nice little 7 miler with my kids in the double jogger. The weather was slightly cloudy when we left but didn’t even look like rain. By the time we hit the halfway point the heavens had opened up and started pouring… Not too big of a deal, a little rain never hurts but the hail that soon ensued hurt… a lot!! Luckily I had the rain cover so I was the only one to suffer.

  243. October 28, 2010 10:02 am

    I chose to do most of the runs I have done in spectacularly bad weather: The 10-mile race in Central Park on still ice-covered roads after a melting and a refreezing of a recent heavy snowfall (I did bail at the halfway point — it was just too hard to keep my footing); running in the early morning of the first blizzard of 2010 in Washington DC (only about 4 inches of snow had fallen so far, but I was in the midst of it); going out for a regular old morning run, hearing what sounded like, I swear, Godzilla, seeing the dark clouds rolling in, cutting my run short as the downpour began (and I do mean downpour — my shoes were full and sloshing within minutes), and having lightning, I swear, hit the ground within feet of me, a few times (now that was the scary run).

    As to my favorite “bad” weather? I’d choose cold and snow over 85+ degrees anyday. Really. I start doubting that choice only if you lower the temperature below 10 degrees. But even then, I might go with the cold and snow.

  244. sherry permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:15 am

    I do recall running in the pouring rain and around a super slippery muddy track in the park–dodging massive puddles and praying that I wouldn’t slip and accidentally twist my ankle. All just to get away from my screaming toddlers for a few sacred minutes of “me” time 🙂

  245. Susan K permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:19 am

    I live in the Pacific NW and definitely prefer cooler temps to run in – 40’s are perfect for me. A few bad weather runs come to mind. I was too hot in my marathon this past month – had to pour a cup of water on my head at every aid station. A 10 miler with high winds and driving sideways rain. And running in the winter on a paved road with black ice is not fun!

  246. alanna permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:36 am

    I just started running outside in May, so I’ve never experienced cold, ice, or snow. Although, 50 degrees is pretty cold, if you ask me! I have run through some of the most awesome lightning storms NY hass to offer in the middle of summer. The wind and rain and lightning lighting up the sky are a site to see. I look forward to the cooler temperatures, but not the ice…the ice terifies me – slippery leaves too.

  247. Christine permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:37 am

    Twin Cities Marathon in 2007! Extremely high humidity and heat for October…I ended up with heat exhaustion and couldn’t finish…thousands of people dropped out that year. I LOVE cold weather running.

  248. karen permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:47 am

    I decided to go for a short 5 miler at my inlaws who live up by Yosemite. I was stoked and confident and didnt even bring water. Well I live by the coast with no elevation issues and fairly predictible nice weather. I had no clue what high elevation mixed with 100 degree weather and steep as all get out hills would do to me. I could barely walk by the end, a mess of cramps and sweat. Knocked me down a few thousand pegs. Valuable lesson…

  249. Marnie Brian permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:47 am

    I live in Utah so I am used to all extremes of weather. But my worst experience was running the St. George Marathon in 2008 (my second). The rain started as we arrived at the starting line and, by the start of the race, it was a good steady rain. It wasn’t so bad at first but by mile 14 the cold was affecting my gait. That, in turn, caused pain in my knee from a super-tight IT band. And by mile 18, I had to drop out. In the whole history of the St. George Marathon there has only been rain maybe once or twice. Why it had to happen to me that day I do not know!

  250. Jackie permalink
    October 28, 2010 10:53 am

    Love running (not racing) in the rain and snow. Add wind to the mix and you’ll get a different answer, hate windy days. Had a bad half marathon this year that started out with snow, turned sleet, turned rain, back to sleet and periods of sun with wind the entire race. Not fun!

  251. October 28, 2010 10:56 am

    I’m a Kansas girl, so what I battle is wind. Hot August wind. Cold March winds. I usually run in the morning to avoid it. It’s got to be pretty bad to send me to the treadmill. Alas, no good stories, though.

  252. Stephanie permalink
    October 28, 2010 11:16 am

    When I lived in Iowa, the worst weather was cold and snow. Negative temps. Now that we live in the south, the worst has been 100 + degree days. Yuck. I’d take winter weather over 100 + temps any day!

  253. Kathy S permalink
    October 28, 2010 11:23 am

    I truly enjoying running in Michigan winters. I like the cold air, the crunching of snow under my yak trax, being the only one outside, and the multiple layers of clothes!

    That said, my worst weather encounter was a shor run in the dead of winter. Once I got out of our subdivision and onto the country roads, the wind picked up out of nowhere and was blowing all of the snow from the neighboring golf course all over the place. The snow was blinding and relentless – I lost track of where I was even with a headlamp and couldn’t tell if I was on the road, the shoulder, or the golf course. It was very scary! I called my husband and told him I didn’t know where I was. Luckily I wasn’t too far from home and when he started turning the porch light on & off, I could just barely see it. So I stayed on the phone and followed the flashing light! And no more running in blizzards 🙂

  254. Miriam P. permalink
    October 28, 2010 11:24 am

    The absolute worst weather to run in was days after Katrina. I needed to just get out there an decompress from the stress of the horrific storm. It was horribly humid and hot, and the smells of the mud and swamp that had invaded my beautiful state was a little too much to bear. As the days and months wore on, the scenery slowly began to return to normal and the runs got easier.

  255. Deb permalink
    October 28, 2010 11:37 am

    I am pacing my friend who is at mile 60 of her first hundred-miler. Freezing rain is coming at us sideways, slashing our faces and hands, while we climb climb climb. We are way under-dressed. I am full of positive motivation because I’m on fresh legs and know that in a few miles another friend will take over pacing duties. We keep passing people who are dropping out of the race but we are determined. My friend, Carolyn, is an utter inspiration. She pushed through crazy wind, cold and endless rain to complete what turned out to be 106 miles (half the starters DNF’d). I was so proud of her and thankful to share that brutal rainy climb with her.

  256. Maria Young permalink
    October 28, 2010 11:45 am

    Legitimately, the worst weather that I have ever run in was snow. However, mentally, the worst weather was the downpour I endured during my first marathon.

  257. Pam permalink
    October 28, 2010 12:03 pm

    I was training for a marathon and had an 18 miler during a cold, rainy & very windy San Francisco Fall morning. We ran from SF to Tiburon across the Golden Gate Bridge. Thought I was going to be blown off the bridge when you ran around the big round bridge supports and got a cross wind. It was wet and miserable but I probably had one of my best paces ever as the extreme wind was at my back and every step you took I swore you went at least two strides–kind of like gliding across the bridge.

  258. Tracey Smith permalink
    October 28, 2010 12:20 pm

    Running in Key West in August (had to be in the mid 90s)attempting to get a training run in for the Chicago Marathon. You could cut the air with a knife. The best part is my husband rode his moped around while I was running and kept checking on me- you think he would’ve gotten me some Gatorade!

  259. October 28, 2010 12:21 pm

    not an official race, but my worst weather-run was an evening in flagstaff, arizona. the sunny day turned cloudy, then rainy, then cam mega-giant-hail – everywhere! i kept going thinking it would stop, but had to give up and find shelter under a cafe tent until it passed. crazy!

  260. October 28, 2010 12:26 pm

    I’m a native Minnesotan and a year-round outdoor runner. I detest extreme heat and humidity (yes, we get that in Minnesota–all summer long, actually) and those conditions are the most trying for me to run in. However, if you’re looking for sheer drama, it’s a tie between the December evening two years ago (windchill below zero, dark, very windy) that I got frostbite on my cheek from a run, and the December evening last year when I (willingly, just for kicks) ran my usual 4-mile route in a blizzard. For reals. It took me over 60 minutes because the snow was calf-deep the whole way and nothing was plowed yet. (Don’t worry; it was safe. I was in my neighborhood, there were streetlights and house lights on, it wasn’t very cold, I had my cell, and I was wearing reflective clothes and a light.) Now those are bragging rights!

  261. Sel permalink
    October 28, 2010 12:51 pm

    As my friend and I explained to SBS in person – Zooma half in Annapolis, May 2010. Unseasonably steamy, and nobody was acclimated to it yet. Hands down, the most miserable I’ve ever been on a run, and we were not alone in feeling that!

  262. Amy permalink
    October 28, 2010 12:58 pm

    I must admit I’m a fair weather runner! I don’t care for running in the cold, snow, wind and rain. I just really don’t like being COLD! I do however love the heat and don’t mind the humidity. I hit the treadmill when conditions aren’t good for me!

  263. Christine Hinton permalink
    October 28, 2010 2:02 pm

    I have experienced all kinds of crazy weather conditions. Actually I think part of the fun and excitement of running is getting out there despite the conditions. Rain, snow, heat and humidity. Probably the weather condition I like the least, as most runners, is high winds. I ran a race once when winds were whipping us around like rag dolls. I actually felt like I was being pushed sideways. A section of the race was along the water, on the beach. I literally was sandblasted! In shorts and a tank, it felt like someone was shooting hundreds of needles at me. When the race was over my face and lips were raw and skin red.
    All for the love of running.

  264. October 28, 2010 2:12 pm

    My second half was in torrential downpour for the entire race, never stopped raining. I’ve ran a ragnar relay in extreme heat I thought I’d pass out. Ideal conditions – 65, partly cloudy – no humidity, much like a good hair day!!

  265. October 28, 2010 2:25 pm

    As you know the Portland Marathon was recently held on 10.10.10. I was one of the brave souls who showed up to the starting line knowing full well, that the pouring rain-storm above heads was only going to get worse.
    With all of this said I am strong believer that our minds rule our bodies, and being a local Portland-er I was not about to let a little rain get between me and my 4:20 goal. Here is my story, the brief version:
    1. Stand at the start line with: gloves, hat, jacket, running Capri’s and a poncho/hat, repeating positive words to myself. Also wearing soggy socks and shoes, a fully charged garmin and Ipod.
    2. Mile 4. Still wet. First upset. Ipod dies from rain exposure. Panic sets it. I have never ran more than 6 miles without music. Call husband from a pedestrian phone to bring back up ipod, and meet me at the half way point. Feeling relieved I trudge on. Hey I knew I could do a 1/2 marathon in the rain right?
    3. Half way point=no husband. Borrow another phone to call, he is stuck in traffic. Hope of music is gone. Spirits crushed. Negative thoughts settle on me like the weather, which has never let up. The rain pours on, and on, and on.
    4. Mile 17ish on the bridge, blisters from the rain start on my thighs and feet. I’m realize I’m loosing a toenail when I see the blood on my right shoe.
    5. Mile 21. The location where a friend was supposed to meet me to run me in. No one is there. I am completely alone, not even Madonna to comfort me through my head phones. The rain pours on. Then at mile 23 the friend finds me and runs me to mile 25. The brightest spot in my race. 🙂
    6. Mile 26. Realize I have skipped water too many times, and had way too much sports drink, I start to feel very light headed.
    7. I cross the finish line at 4:39 something, look over hear my husband and then according to the medics pass out. I Wake up to people trying to put me in a wheel chair. Super embarrassing to say the least. Spent 5 min. in the recovery tent, and then went on my way. Grateful for those who were there to help. They were awesome.

    I made it. I’m okay. I still love running, but I must say- I DO NOT LOVE RUNNING IN THE RAIN! And for that matter, my toes and also my music would prefer dry conditions as well.

  266. Jennifer permalink
    October 28, 2010 3:15 pm

    Three months after I started running I decided to join a friend and run the Vernonia Half marathon in April. Running in the rain would have been no surprise that time of year but when I woke up race morning with snow on the ground I was a little worried, mostly that they would cancel the race that I had prepared so hard for. At that time I didn’t realize how crazy 😉 runners are. Of course they didn’t cancel and despite the snow, slush, rain, mud, and freezing puddles that there was no way around I managed to finish my first half and loved every minute of it. 🙂

  267. Becky permalink
    October 28, 2010 4:27 pm

    Freak thunderstorm (not too uncommon here in Nebraska) that hit mid-afternoon and included hail and driving rain. I was already 2 miles from home so just kept going. The worst of it was that I was wearing my brand-new Asics at the time!

  268. Angela permalink
    October 28, 2010 4:36 pm

    I have no weather war stories (yet) but I don’t enjoy heat and humidity. I love running when it’s cool and overcast, maybe just verging on rain. I can’t really explain it, but that weather brings me more “inward” and those runs almost feel more like a meditative practice than exercise. But cool, crisp and sunny is pretty awesome too.

  269. mhelen37 permalink
    October 28, 2010 7:02 pm

    being from south LA, I am a warm weather girl….just today I was out running in beautiful fall chilly air and thinking that I do really prefer warm-above 70-weather….sad, huh?? (at least that’s how I felt for the first 10 minutes of my run). It is just much easier to motivate a warm me rather than a cold me….

  270. October 28, 2010 7:21 pm

    i recently moved to singapore from a sydney winter. i go running at 6 am, the temperature is normally around 90, but the humidity is the killer – about 85%. I have figured out that after the first 5 kms the sweating slows down! I dream of a nice cool breeze….

  271. Karen Mangold permalink
    October 28, 2010 8:57 pm

    I think running in any downpour can qualify as not so much fun, but my husband says ‘if you can’t learn to run in the rain, you can’t be a runner in the Northwest’ and I think of that every time I leave the house and it’s raining (we live in the Seattle area). And I also have to remember that while my kids might think I’m the Wicked Witch of the West, I am not made of cinnamon and won’t melt while running. With that being said – I recently ran the Inagural Portland 1/2 marathon and as many can atest, those were not the greatest conditions that day. Mother Nature must have been on my side during my training though, since although we had a great fall weather wise, everytime it was time to do a long run – it was pouring rain. Finding puddles to splash in around mile 10 kept it fun though (and my feet cool) and the water running down my head and into my ears making my headphones fairly useless – and it made me realize that I can overcome more obstacles than just the mileage. Props to those who ran the full marathon in that rain (Sarah) 🙂

  272. October 28, 2010 9:50 pm

    It may sound crazy but anyone who lives in CO may believe it. Last spring as I was in training for my first 5 k> (I am up to a half-marathon now!) I was running around sloan’s lake here in Denver and I swear I hit 4 different weather patterns in that 2.7 miles. It went from rain to super windy to snow to just gloomy. I was a slow runner but not slow enough to have the weather change on me 4 times! Crazy. It makes it interesting though!
    I love to run in cool overcast weather. No sun in the eyes, cool, could go forever!

  273. Rebecca permalink
    October 29, 2010 7:20 am

    Weather on Cape Cod doesn’t really get too extreme, except for the occasional Nor’easter or hurricane. The most difficult weather I find to run in is the high humidity days, this slows me way down. My favorite weather to run in is the cold, crisp mornings in the Fall, and I would prefer cold rain and snow to any swelltering Summer day.

  274. Jennifer permalink
    October 29, 2010 8:56 am

    My first marathon was warm and humid, with a strong headwind for the final half. That was the worst weather day for me, mostly b/c I had such high hopes for my first.

  275. Alicia permalink
    October 30, 2010 3:51 pm

    Well Im a newbie, just started running this summer and my worst was while we were on vacation (or you could say a staycation as we were only 2 hours from home) the humidty I swear was 100% and the temp close to 80 at 8am in the morning, I was doing the couch to 5k and it was my first scheduled run without a walk break…Im amazed I ever ran again I was so misserable. Now ask me again after a winter in MN…Im sure Ill be begging for that day!

  276. Carole permalink
    October 31, 2010 9:24 pm

    I’ve run in technically worse weather, but the poor conditions that had the biggest impact on my race-day brain were cold wind and rain during my first 5K – the Jingle Bell run in Portland about three years ago. I had no idea what to wear. Ended up in long yoga pants that were soaked up to mid-thigh after 3.1miles. The energy of that race got me hooked, but I still get chilly thinking about how soaked and shivering I was afterward!

  277. Catrina permalink
    November 1, 2010 11:35 am

    Haven’t run too much in harsh weather. There is one run a few years ago that sticks out. I was running about 3miles 3 times a week. But I wasn’t really feeling like I was a runner yet. Then there was this one day that the babysitter was suppose to come so I could run, but it was raining. She thought I would cancel but I said no way. I ran in the rain for the first time, and I felt so badass after that. There is something about that first run in the rain that makes you really feel like a runner,no matter how far you go!

  278. November 2, 2010 9:17 am

    My favorite time to run is fallish weather where it’s high 40s/low 50s outside and the leaves are at their most beautiful colors!!!!

  279. November 3, 2010 6:40 am

    Cold running for sure. I usually hate the cold in any other situation, but when I move I like to feel the cold temps!

  280. Wendy permalink
    November 3, 2010 5:53 pm

    Oops… posted in the wrong area… Las Vegas marathon 2003… ugh the wind!!!!!

  281. November 3, 2010 6:02 pm

    ahhhh Iwant a pair of these BAD. And, I’m in the portland area, so it figures, I guess.

  282. SlowintheSnow permalink
    November 3, 2010 11:04 pm

    Live in MN, love the cold and snow…bring it any day!

    My horror awaited me with the twin cities marathon in 2007. 98 degrees, 100% humidity. Same day as the notorious Chicago Marathon that was stopped due to weather conditions and death. The weather in MN was worse that day (runners world posted an article with comparisons). After mile 15, an ambulance was carting away runners every half mile. You really start to question your ability, health, mental well being, physical strains when seeing other runners on stretchers. With 4 marathons under my belt, I have never wanted to quit a race, let alone a run that bad before. Seeing the family at mile 21, I was ready to walk off the course, their confidence in me along with my running buddy pushed me to the finish line.

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